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Enhanced Sorting helps you find what you’re looking for on any page with multiple items. Here, we’ll search for “board games”. (There are a lot of them!) The default sorting is alphabetical; enhanced sorting is more.

(Note: Enhanced sorting doesn’t work with our Advanced Search feature at this time.)
Select “Most Ratings” to view the products that have received the most ratings from users. This search doesn’t factor in high ratings or sales.
Select “Popularity” to view the products that have a combination of the most ratings and the highest ratings. These products will have received many positive ratings.
Select “Average Rating” to view the products that have the highest average ratings from users. This search doesn’t factor in the number of ratings or sales.
Select “Bestseller” to view the products that have sold the most within a recent time frame. This search doesn’t factor in any ratings.
Select “Release Date” (Newest to Oldest or Oldest to Newest) to view products organized chronologically by their release dates.

(Note: Some products aren’t yet updated with release dates and may not appear correctly, but we’re consistently updating our board games’ and other products’ details.)
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