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We're Doubling Doubling Season



One great aspect of conventions slowly returning is that I get to absolutely binge on Commander. The Command Zone area was open to all in a brilliant tactical move by WotC's events crew and people were jamming games outside on tables because they wanted to and not because they had to. Getting to play a million games with old friends exposed me to a lot of deck ideas in a short timeframe, and a million reps with all of the decks that I brought proved one thing to people - I am going to take your stuff. I stole it ALL in Minneapolis. I stole a Dark Depths with a Mirage Mirror. I stole a Revel in Riches with a Blatant Thievery then won with it. I didn't just Best the Sea God, I greatest of all timed the Sea God. I unleashed the Kraken and their blockers became my attackers. One opponent was left with only one blocker.

Order of the Stars

My Kraken was an 8/8 but they managed to block it until I found a way to remove their blocker. I was as confused as you - how are a few puny Stars holding back such a mighty Kraken? It seems like the Kraken should roll right over those Stars. The Kraken survived a 7 point Avalanche the turn before... are we getting to diminishing returns on this bit? OK, pivoting.

I saw a commander that I wanted to build around and it wasn't until I played some games of Commander in person that I realized I wanted another deck that stole things, and it wasn't until I saw a game played with this deck that I realized what I wanted to do.

Douglas Johnson, the convention buyer and mad scientist who brought you the unsleeved Gonti deck that you should for sure wash your hands after touching, did it again. Buying for a living can get tedious and repetitive, so collecting becomes necessary in the fight to maintain sanity. Besides heavily damaged cards, he also collects pristine, in the package promo cards. This is his deck box - like it? I liked watching him play someone else's Emrakul, the Promised End, copy the Mindslaver effect with a Lithoform Engine and moonwalk out of the convention center after taking both of their turns and killing them. Stealing their Emrakul is, well... now I can't say it's "cool" can I? It's good, but it could be gooder - stealing their Emrakul is what I would normally do, but wouldn't it be better to double the stuff, too? It occurred to me - a lot of Sagas and Planeswalkers and Artifacts and Enchantments and other stuff I like steal their spells - what if I could double other stuff?

I want to Double Doubling Season. I am going to call it Quadrupling Season and I don't care if you think it's a good name. Doubling Doubling Season is obviously twice as nice and if we have Planeswalkers, things could get very nutty. The thing is, I am sick of doubling so many things in my Blue decks. It has become a bit of a crutch if I am being honest. I promised myself I wouldn't make another Clones deck for a few weeks. However, rather than stick to that very simple promise to myself, what if I weaseled out of it on a technicality or just like, did whatever I wanted? In either of those two equally plausible scenarios, I'd double things, not clone them. Oh, and I won't use Blue.

Doubling Season

There, finally an actual restriction.

With the deck I built, though, it's hard to see it as a restriction. If you can't clone things in Blue, you're forced to play fair. If your Commander further stipulates that you can only make one copy per turn, it sounds like you're really forced to play really fair. So why am I almost giddy about the deck I built? Because I am only going to need my Commander to make one copy, I'm going to let my Double Doubling Season shenanigans make the rest of the copies for me. Soon we will have so many copies of Doubling Season, Parallel Lives and Anointed Procession that Gather the Townsfolk will turn into Gather the Metropolisfolk and the collective weight of all of your tokens will collapse the table and as you declare yourself the winner, you'll surf out the door on a wave of tokens.

In order to live the dream, we have to have the right commander, and I believe that we have finally seen it.

Calix, Guided by Fate

The good thing about Doubling Season is that you don't actually need to double it for it to be kind of an absurd card with Planesalkers. You double their starting loyalty, which makes some Planeswalkers a threat instantly. Besides, even garden variety Enchantments like Lurking Predators or Sigil of the Empty Throne are kind of busted when you have two of them. Calix is going to double things for us, it turns out there aren't too many Magic cards that get worse when you double the number of them you have - most get way better. Double Nylea's Colossus doubling a creature? Seems good to me. Unnatural Growth is a pretty good Magic card, but don't you wish you could trigger it twice? Multiple copies of Karmic Justice make you an even less tempting target. The possibilities are endless. Weavers of multiple harmonies (if that's not how you pluralize it, I give up)?

What would such a magnificent pile look like?

Double Doubling Season | Commander | Jason Alt

Card Display

There is really nothing here I don't want to double! I almost got cute and added Doubling Cube, but I opted for a Helm of Possession as a pet card since I already had 2 "Helm of" and comedy comes in threes. What else is funny is that people won't expect this deck to be as aggressive as it is. I didn't add cards like Ghostly Prison or Sphere of Safety because this isn't a pillow fort. It's a brick in a pillow case, and like a brick in a pillow case, this should only take a few swings. Thanks for reading, everyone. Until next time!

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