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Krautmann Cracks in Warsaw


The last time Wenzel Krautmann faced Felipe Tapia Becerra at a Grand Prix, it was Becerra who advanced in the match. Now, in the finals of Grand Prix Warsaw after starting the event 9-0, it was Krautmann's turn to take the win.

Facing down the typical array of Jund creatures and removal, Krautmann's Gruul aggro deck took what Brian Kibler had at last weekend's Magic World Championship and drove it home as the new deck to be in Standard. Between the haste-fueled attackers of Strangleroot Geist and Flinthoof Boar and the devastating reach provided by Ghor-CLan Rampager, Krautmann defeated Becerra in just under 10 minutes.

Here's what they were playing:

Congratulations to Wenzel Krautmann, champion of Grand Prix Warsaw. For plenty of match details, Top 8 deck lists and more, be sure to check out the official coverage on DailyMTG.com.

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