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Raphaël Lévy wins Grand Prix Manchester


Raphaël Lévy has won Grand Prix Manchester! The Hall of Fame player notched his amazing 21st Grand Prix Top 8 in Manchester this weekend and amassed his sixth victory. Standard with Shadows over Innistrad continues to evolve and Lévy came with a unique take on the popular Green-White Tokens deck. In addition to Nissa, Voice of Zendikar and Gideon, Ally of Zendikar Lévy ran two copies of Chandra, Flamecaller with no red sources. How did he cast the Planeswalker? With Oath of Nissa of course.

Congratulations to Raphaël Lévy, champion of Grand Prix Manchester!

Additionally, Fabrizio Anteri, leader in the Grand Prix Master slot for the World Championship was disqualified in round four. Due to the ongoing investigation it is unknown how this will affect his eligibility for the invitation only tournament.

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