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Contacting a Magic Artist


Imperial Recruiter
Community Project #4 on my list is to create something that has all the artists’ contact information easily accessible online. Getting in touch with artists to buy original paintings, have cards signed, or, really, just to be in touch is oddly difficult. Currently, we have four lists online, and frankly, they’re just not that awesome.

  1. This list from 2011, updated on July 29, 2012
  2. This one, from 2003, updated sparingly (Though Matt Cavotta himself actually updated it at least once.)
  3. This one from 2004, started by . . . well, those in the know should realized who started that thread.
  4. This one as well

None of these lists has all of the artists, and the information is crazy-out-of-date due to modern communication methods.

If you don’t see an artist, the final resort after searching for hours online is to send Wizards of the Coast a physical letter to forward onto the artist. A quick pro tip: If you’re looking for a Portal Three Kingdoms artist, don’t waste the stamp. They don’t have any of those contacts anymore—it was all outsourced.

Artist name

c/o Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

PO Box 707

Renton, WA 98057-0707

Credit Voucher
I would love if a few of you would scour this list and fill in the gaps. The most important thing about this list is to create a central resource now in January of 2013 and update all the other lists. By doing so, tournament organizers and local store owners can easily contact artists.

If you have an artist who lives within fifty miles, offer him or her $100 and a table to sit at in a Pro Tour Qualifier for a morning. Have the artist charge $1 for a play set of signatures, and that money will pile up beyond print sales and original paintings. I would love a regional list of artists that could be checked out—so the same ten artists don’t go to every Grand Prix. That’s a longer explanation of why there are usual suspects, but I’ll cover that in a future article.

For your Pro Tour Qualifier, for your Grand Prix Trial, and even for your prerelease, if there’s an artist nearby, invite that artist! What’s the worst that could happen? A “no”? In that case, you’re exactly where you were. If a few players talk to their store owners, it’s not that terribly difficult.

So why did I work on this list this week? Shouldn’t I be talking about art of Born of the Gods? Of course, and we’ll get to that next week.

Why it matters now is that if you want to buy an original artwork, you have to contact the artist ASAP. Once the card becomes spoiled, you literally have to beat out other people to the punch by making a strong offer. If you don’t, the art will go to eBay, and frankly, the costs are exponentially higher there. If that’s too high a point for you, picking up an artist proof for $5 and four signatures for $1, sent back through the mail, should also be a priority made easier via this list. If you send an artist cards, please add a tip. We need to start making that a thing—signatures have value.

I found this information from all publicly-available records online. Whether that source was the artist’s website, LinkedIn, blogs, or other portfolio sites, most artists can be reasonably found. This list took over two weeks to update, and frankly, my wife is quite happy I’m done with it.

With that explained, here’s the most updated, ever-expanding list!


Name (number of artworks made for Magic)




Other contact info

Pieces the artist is often known for

Aaron Boyd (5)

Milwaukee, WI USA

aaronboydarts at gmail dot com



Art: Repulse

Adi Granov (5)

West Yorkshire, England

E-mail form on website



Art: Bloodchief Ascension

Bloodchief Ascension
Cruel Bargain

Adrian Smith (27)

Kirkcaldy, Scotland

artist at adriansmith dot co dot uk




Art: Cruel Bargain

Al Davidson (2)

Coventry, England

al at astralgypsy dot com


Owns a store: http://astralgypsy.com/index.php/whoisastralgypsy

Art: Mist Dragon

Allen Williams (19)

L. A. Williams (28) Old signature

San Francisco, CA USA

Ijustdraw at gmail dot com

Crucifer at aol dot com (old)




Has not signed cards through the mail in the past.

Art: Vela the Night-Clad

Mist Dragon
Vela the Night-Clad
Verduran Emissary

Alton Lawson (1)

Seattle, WA USA



Art: Verduran Emissary

Andrew Murray (1)

Lutherville, MD USA

theincredibleandy at gmail dot com


Art: Courier's Capsule

Ariel Olivetti (2)

Caballito, Distrito Federal, Argentina



Art: Burning Wish (judge promo)

Courier's Capsule
Burning Wish
Fist of Suns

Arnie Swekel (81)

Madison, WI USA


Art: Fist of Suns

Austin Hsu (35)




Worked at Concept Art House

Art: Scavenging Ooze

Adam Rex (126)

Tucson, AZ USA


Hairycheese at aol dot com or AdamRex at earthlink dot net

Has not signed cards through the mail in the past.

Art: Woodfall Primus

Scavenging Ooze
Woodfall Primus
Chrome Mox

Alan Pollack (133)

apollackstudios at zoom-dsl dot com or website e-mail form


Art: Chrome Mox (Grand Prix promo)

Alan Rabinowitz (44)

New York, NY USA

alan_rabinowitz at hotmail dot com


Art: Cadaverous Bloom

Aleksi Briclot (59)

Paris, France

aleksi at aneyeoni dot com


Has not signed cards through the mail in the past.

Art: Garruk Wildspeaker

Cadaverous Bloom
Garruk Wildspeaker
Keldon Marauders

Alex Horley-Orlandelli (107)

Milan, Italy

Horley at iol dot it

AlexHorley at spiderwebart dot com

alex.horley at gmail dot com

Agent/Partner Stacy Walker: BlazeProductionsInc at gmail dot com or stacyewalker at gmail dot com


Art: Keldon Marauders

Amy Weber (63)

Sequim, WA USA

orion713 at aol dot com




Has not signed cards through the mail in the past.

Art: Time Walk

Andi Rusu (14)

Seattle, WA USA


Art: Goblin Balloon Brigade

Time Walk
Goblin Balloon Brigade

Anthony Palumbo (26)

Philadelphia, PA USA

anthonypalumbo.palumbo at gmail dot com


Art: Cultivate

Andrew Goldhawk (26)

web at andrewgoldhawk dot com


Art: Underground River

Anthony Francisco (35)

Los Angeles, CA USA

anthonyfrancisco at sbcglobal dot net

offset.anthony at gmail dot com


Art: Tezzeret the Seeker

Underground River
Tezzeret the Seeker
Hurloon Minotaur

Anson Maddocks (112)

Seattle, WA USA

Through the wizards signing forwarding service, that’s it.

Has not signed cards through the mail in the past.

Art: Hurloon Minotaur

Anthony S. Waters (110)

Bellingham, WA USA

bightmei at thinktankstudios dot com



Art: Graven Cairns (Future Sight), Windswept Heath

April Lee (3)

Woodland Hills CA, USA

aprillee at lycos dot com

Art: Intuition

Windswept Heath
Child of Night

Ashley (Ash) Wood (3)


ash at ashleywood dot com or e-mail form



Art: Child of Night

Ben Thompson (70)

Irvine, CA USA

ben at benthompsonart dot com

Art: Thirst for Knowledge

Bob Eggleton (19)

Providence, RI USA

zillabob at cox dot net

zillabob at ids dot net

Art: Gilded Drake

Thirst for Knowledge
Gilded Drake
Urborg Elf

Bob Petillo (11)

Hardyston, NJ USA

bpetillo at embarqmail dot com



Art: Urborg Elf

Bradley Williams (39)

Ogden, UT USA

bwilliams123 at juno dot com


Art: Foil

Brian Despain (27)

Guam, USA

brian at despainart dot com

badbrain at imphead dot com

Art: Open the Vaults or Riftsweeper

Volcanic Island

Brian Snoddy (125)

Seattle, WA USA

streltsy at earthlink dot net


Art: Volcanic Island

Brom (42)

Seattle, WA USA

bromart at comcast dot net

Does not sign cards through the mail as per his website.

Art: Desolation Angel

Berry (7)

Arlington, MA USA

Berry at braid dot com


Art: Citanul Flute

Desolation Angel
Citanul Flute
Phyrexian War Beast

Bill Sienkiewicz (2)

New Jersey, USA

E-mail form

Art: Phyrexian War Beast

Brad Rigney (20)

Mississippi, USA (Old, unconfirmed)

cryptcrawler at comcast dot net

Art: Urabrask the Hidden (He also made The Planeswalker Pantheon.)

Brandon Dorman (6)

Washington State, USA

bdillustration at gmail dot com

Art: Crib Swap

Urabrask the Hidden
Crib Swap
Cascade Bluffs

Brandon Kitouski (35)

Dallas, TX USA

bk at bkstudio dot com


Art: Cascade Bluffs

Brian Durfee (3)

Draper, UT USA

Contact form on site

Art: Mountain, Sixth Edition

Brian Hagan (4)

San Francisco, CA USA

E-mail form on site


Art: Flaring Flame-Kin

Flaring Flame-Kin
Buried Alive

Brian Horton (4)

Foster City, CA USA

brian at brianhortonart dot com


Art: Buried Alive

Bryan Talbot (8)

Sunderland, United Kingdom

Fan sites are below, but they can get in contact with Bryan.

james at bryan-talbot dot com


Contact Bryan through his wife:


Art: Impulse

Bud Cook (11)

Woodstock, CT USA

budcookstudio at gmail dot com

Art: Invisible Stalker

Invisible Stalker
Shrewd Hatchling

Carl Frank (8)

Orange County, CA USA

cf at carlfrank dot com or http://www.carlfrank.com

Art: Arguable, but Shrewd Hatchling

Cecil Fernando (4)

No available online information.

Art: Panther Warriors

Charles Urbach (12)

Grove City, PA USA

charlesurbach at hotmail dot com

Art: Darkslick Shores

Chengo McFlingers (1)

This is a pseudonym for Robert Bliss. Really.

This art was in the slush pile for years before being reused.

Panther Warriors
Darkslick Shores
Perilous Forays

Chris Dien (2)

Gresham, OR USA

chris at chrisdien dot com or e-mail form on site

Art: Perilous Forays

Chris J Anderson (2)

chrisbeckons at gmail dot com


Art: River of Tears

Chris Rahn (84)

Dayton, WA USA

chris at rahnart dot com

Has not signed cards through the mail in the past.

Art: Blightsteel Colossus

River of Tears
Blightsteel Colossus
Sulfur Falls

Cliff Childs (29)

Marina del Rey, CA USA

cliffchilds at gmail dot com


Art: Sulfur Falls

Clint Cearley (35)

Fort Worth, TX USA



Art: Righteous Blow

Clint Langley (8)

Brighton, England

info at clintlangley dot com

Art: Dark Ritual (Fifth Edition)

Righteous Blow
Dark Ritual
Creakwood Liege

Cole Eastburn (6)

Lake Forest, CA USA

EastburnArt at yahoo dot com


Art: Creakwood Liege

Corey D Macourek (4)

Newport Beach, CA USA

E-mail form on site.

Art: Serum Tank

Cos Koniotis (4)

London, England

info at cosKoniotis dot com



Art: Mindculling

Serum Tank
Dragon Mask

Craig Mullins (5)

Sacramento, CA USA

cmullins at goodbrush dot com

mm at resourcesfx dot com

Cris Dornaus (1)

San Bernadino, CA USA

SkeletnGrl at aolcom

Information is only available online as of 2001.

Cara Mitten (2)

Greater Milwaukee area, WI USA

caramitten at gmail dot com


Art: Lifespinner

Carl Critchlow (210)

United Kingdom

c.critch at virginmedia dot com


Has not signed cards through the mail in the past.

Art: Arcbound Ravager

Arcbound Ravager
Storm Shaman

Carol Heyer (2)

Thousand Oaks CA, USA 91360



E-mail form on website

Art: Storm Shaman

Charles Gillespie (19)

Springtown, Londonderry, Ireland

charlie_55 at hotmail dot com



Art: Living Death

Chippy (115)

Montreal, Canada


Has not signed cards through the mail in the past.

Art: Master Transmuter

Living Death
Master Transmuter
Ethereal Haze

Chris Appelhans (2)

Los Angeles, CA USA

Chris at froghatstudios dot com

Art: Ethereal Haze

Christopher Moeller (233)

Pittsburgh, PA USA

chris at moellerillustrations dot com

moellerc at adelphia dot net


Agent: http://www.fanfare-se.com/ArtistGalleryRoom.asp?ArtistId=66

Art: Goblin Lackey (From the Vault)

Christopher Rush (120)

Sante Fe, NM USA

crushart at yahoo dot com



Art: Black Lotus

Goblin Lackey
Black Lotus
Serra's Sanctum

Gustavo Cabral “Ciruelo” (27)

Barcelona, Spain

art7 at dac-editions dot com

ciruelo at dac-editions dot com

Art: Serra's Sanctum

Claymore J. Flapdoodle (9)

This is a pseudonym for Phil Foglio. Really.

Cliff Nielsen (10)

Los Angeles, CA USA



Art: Spirit of the Night

Clyde Caldwell (6)

N Waukesha, WI USA

clydeosaur at aol dot com


Art: Overtaker

Spirit of the Night
Ancient Tomb

Colin MacNeil (13)

Edinburgh, Scotland

karen at redslap dot co dot uk

karen.newis at ukonline dot co dot uk


Art: Ancient Tomb

Cornelius Brudi (9)

Seattle, WA USA



Art: Plateau

Cyril Van Der Haegen (34)

Pawtucket, RI USA

tegehel at cox dot net


Art: Maelstrom Archangel

Maelstrom Archangel
Sarkhan Vol

Mike "Daarken" Lim (89)

Anaheim, CA USA

daarkenart at daarken dot com

Art: Sarkhan Vol

D. Alexander Gregory (88)

Santa Monica, CA USA

info at ainokostudios dot com


Has not signed cards through the mail in the past.

Art: Jace, Memory Adept

Dameon Willich (26)

Seattle, WA USA

ironwolfe at seattleknights dot com

Art: Control Magic

Jace, Memory Adept
Control Magic
Mox Emerald

Dan Frazier (158)

Boulder, CO USA

dfrazier at earthnet dot net

Agent: http://markscomics.homestead.com/

Art: Mox Emerald, Mox Jet, Mox Pearl, Mox Ruby, Mox Sapphire

Dan Scott (142)

Kansas City, MO USA

danscott at hotmail dot com



Art: Ponder

Daren Bader (167)

Encinitas CA, USA

Daren.Bader at rockstarsandiego dot com

Daren at angelstudios dot com

Art: Oros, the Avenger

Oros, the Avenger
Stomping Ground

David Palumbo (46)

Philadelpha, PA USA

dave at dvpalumbo dot com

Art: Stomping Ground

Dave Allsop (55)

United Kingdom

contact at daveallsop dot info


Doesn’t sign through the mail.

Art: Murderous Redcap

Dave Dorman (98)

Carpentersville, IL USA

dormanart at yahoo dot com

Art: Hanna, Ship's Navigator

Murderous Redcap
Hanna, Ship's Navigator
Serrated Arrows

David A. Cherry (26)

Plano, TX USA (unconfirmed)

david at DavidCherryArt dot com

Art: Serrated Arrows

David Ho (6)

Fremont, CA USA

ho at davidho dot com

Art: Flash

David L. Martin (82)

No available online information.

Friend of Todd Lockwood.

Art: Mirari's Wake

David O'Connor (11)


No available online information

Mirari's Wake
Phyrexian Marauder

David Seeley (9)

Boston, MA USA

E-mail form on website


Art: Phyrexian Marauder

Dermot Power (22)

London, England

dermot at dermotpower dot com

power at dircon dot co dot uk


Has not signed cards through the mail in the past.

Art: Ruination

Diana Vick (1)

Seattle, WA USA

info at steamcon dot org


No other information online.

Art: Reinforcements


Tony DiTerlizzi (89)

Amherst, MA USA

studio at diterlizzi dot com

Art: Terminate

Dom! (4)

Edinburgh, Scotland

karen at redslap dot co dot uk

karen.newis at ukonline dot co dot uk


Art: Counterspell (judge promo)

Dominick Domingo (10)

Los Angeles, CA USA

dominick at dominickdomingo dot com


Art: Bloodbraid Elf

Bloodbraid Elf
Cabal Coffers

Don Hazeltine (43)

Bainbridge Island, WA USA

donhazeltine at gmail dot com

Art: Cabal Coffers

Donato Giancola (107)

Brooklyn, NY USA

donato at donatoart dot com

Art: Shivan Dragon

Doug Keith (4)

Seattle, WA USA

AtoZDK at comcast dot net

atozdk at aol dot com

Art: Dust to Dust

Shivan Dragon
Dust to Dust
Hypnotic Specter

Douglas Shuler (122)

Boulder, CO USA

darkjedi at ix dot netcom dot com

Art: Hypnotic Specter

Drew Tucker (55)

Carterville, IL USA



Art: Plateau

E.M. Gist (11)

Carlsbad, CA USA

emgist at erikgist dot com


Art: Fatestitcher

Nicol Bolas

Edward P. Beard, Jr. (20)

Muncy, PA USA

Form on site or destini at ids dot net


Art: Nicol Bolas

Erica Gassalasca-Jape (3)

This is a pseudonym for Heather Hudson. Really.

Eric Deschamps (75)

Modena, NY USA

eric at ericdeschamps dot com

Art: Venser, the Sojourner

Eric Fortune (16)

Columbus, OH USA

efortune357 at hotmail dot com

Art: Mulldrifter

Venser, the Sojourner
Obelisk of Esper

Francis Tsai (5)

Austin, TX USA

tsai at teamgt dot com

Art: Obelisk of Esper

Franz Vohwinkel (96)

Seattle, WA USA

franz at franz-vohwinkel dot com

Art: Voltaic Key

Fred Harper (2)

Brooklyn, NY USA

fredharper at gmail dot com


Art: Hotheaded Giant

Voltaic Key
Hotheaded Giant
Katabatic Winds

Gary Gianni (2)

Chicago, IL USA

E-mail form online


Art: Katabatic Winds

Gary Leach (21)


No additional information online.

Art: Vampiric Tutor

George Pratt (14)

Sarasota, FL USA

blind_boy at mac dot com



Art: Touchstone

Vampiric Tutor

Gerry Grace (19)

Brighton, Sussex, England

info at johnflorence dot com (He works as a designer there.)


Art: Blaze

Greg Hildebrandt (66)

Hopatcong, NJ USA

Jean at spiderwebart dot com



Art: Aether Vial

Greg Simanson (22)

Seattle, WA USA

greg at simansondesign dot com

gsimonso at ix dot netcom dot com


Art: Grindstone

Aether Vial
Vision Charm

Greg Spalenka (5)

Woodland Hills, CA USA

service at spalenka dot com


Art: Vision Charm

Hannibal King (27)

Dorchester, MA USA (unconfirmed)

No additional information online.

Art: Goblin Tinkerer

Harold McNeill (27)

third_camelot at hotmail dot com



Has not responded to inquires in the past.

Art: Sylvan Library

Goblin Tinkerer
Sylvan Library
Chains of Mephistopheles

Heather Hudson (186)

Seattle, WA USA

Heatherhudson at studiowondercabinet dot com

Art: Chains of Mephistopheles

Henry G. Higginbotham (4)

Nashville, TN USA

henry at HGHigginbotham dot com


Typo on cards as “Higgenbotham”

Art: Voltaic Key

Hugh Jamieson (10)

E-mail form or paintandsuffering at attbi dot com


Art: Through the Breach

Voltaic Key
Through the Breach

Ian Miller (24)

Brighton, Sussex, England

sales at ian-miller dot org or website form


Art: Brushwagg

Ittoku (26)

Tokyo, Japan

Ittoku01attojcom at Home dot Ne dot Jp

Art: Azami, Lady of Scrolls

J. W. Frost (1)

Smiths Falls, Ontario, Canada

No other information online.

Art: Island

Azami, Lady of Scrolls

Janine Johnston (14)

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada


jinjini at hotmail dot com or info at janinejohnston dot com

Art: Smallpox

Jason Alexander Behnke (3)

Portland, OR USA

jason at behnkestudio dot com

jabehnke at home dot com


Art: Boil

Jeff Easley (49)

caraeas at yahoo dot com


Art: Black Market

Black Market
Show and Tell

Jeff Laubenstein (24)

Algonquin, IL USA

bigbluetiki at earthlink dot net


Art: Show and Tell

Jeff A. Menges (55)

Northport, NY USA

jeffamenges at dreamcolony dot net



Art: Zombie Master

Jeff Miracola (111)

jeff at jeffmiracola dot com

jeffmiracola at jeffmiracola dot com

Art: Overrun

Zombie Master

Jeff Reitz (1)

Stroudsburg, PA USA

jeff_reitz7 at yahoo dot com


Art: Fireslinger

Jennifer Law (2)

Seattle, WA USA

No information easily found online.

Art: Radiant Essence

Jeremy Jarvis (48)

Seattle, WA USA

Jeremy.jarvis at wizards dot com


Art: Loxodon Warhammer

Radiant Essence
Loxodon Warhammer
Rishadan Port

Jerry Tiritilli (37)

No information easily found online.

Art: Rishadan Port

Jim Nelson (127)

Chicago, IL USA

jim at jimnelsonart dot com

mothman at sprintmail dot com


Art: Lyzolda, the Blood Witch

Jim Pavelec (27)

Chicago, IL USA

genethoq at gmail dot com

Art: Frost Marsh

Lyzolda, the Blood Witch
Frost Marsh

Jock (5)

Edinburgh, Scotland

karen at redslap dot co dot uk

karen.newis at ukonline dot co dot uk


Art: Incinerate (promo)

Joel Thomas (12)

Austin, TX USA

jfthom08 at gmail dot com



Art: Copy Enchantment

John Avon (198)

Brighton, England

guy at johnavon dot com (Guy Coulson, his agent)



Art: Mountain (Mirage)

Copy Enchantment
Dark Ritual

John Coulthart (23)

Withington, Manchester, England

discordia at softhome dot net


Art: Dark Ritual (Mirage)

John Matson (107)

Milwaukee, WI USA


Art: Furnace of Rath

Julie Baroh (24)

Seattle, WA USA

juliebaroh at gmail dot com

jbaroh at juliebaroh dot com



Art: Clone

Furnace of Rath
Seeds of Innocence

Junior Tomlin (4)

London, England


juniort at mailbox dot co dot uk

junior.tomlin at googlemail dot com


Art: Seeds of Innocence

Justin Sweet (66)

Info at justinsweet dot com

Has not signed cards through the mail in the past.

Art: Ignite Memories

Keith Garletts (19)

New York, NY USA

jean at spiderwebart dot com

spiderwebart at worldnet dot att dot net


Art: Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers

Ignite Memories
Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers
Kird Ape

Ken Meyer, Jr. (14)

Orange, CA USA

kenmeyerjr at yahoo dot com

Ken Meyer, Jr. on Facebook

Website: kenmeyerjr.com

Art: Kird Ape

Kensuke Okabayashi (7)

Brooklyn, NY USA

kensuke at kensukeart dot com


Art: Junkyo Bell

Kerstin Kaman (4)

Sundsvall, Sweden


Art: Onulet

Junkyo Bell
Keldon Warlord

Kev Brockschmidt (4)

Renton, WA USA

kev at kevscartoons dot com

Art: Keldon Warlord

Kevin Dobler (3)

New Jersey, USA

spiderwebart at worldnet dot att dot net

jean at spiderwebart dot com


Art: Mox Lotus

Kev Walker (348)


walkerkev at btinternet dot com

Art: Gush

Mox Lotus
Tolaria West

Khang Le (4)

Orange County, CA USA

khangledesign at gmail dot com


Art: Tolaria West

Kipling West (2)

westkipling at yahoo dot com

pageofbats at aol dot com (old)


Art: Dwarven Thaumaturgist

Larry Elmore (10)

Leitchfield, KY USA

sales at larryelmore dot com

Art: Various lands

Larry MacDougall (27)

Stoney Creek ON, Canada

underhillstudio at cogeco dot ca



Art: Kitchen Finks (Friday Night Magic promo)

Dwarven Thaumaturgist
Kitchen Finks
Merchant Scroll

Liz Danforth (34)

Tucson, AZ USA

elizabeth.danforth at gmail dot com



Art: Merchant Scroll

Lou Harrison (1)

New Jersey, USA

spiderwebart at worldnet dot att dot net

jean at spiderwebart dot com


Art: Flint Golem

Marcelo Vignali (7)

Los Angeles, CA USA

VignaliStudio at aol dot com

www.vignalistudio.com (down)


Art: Birds of Paradise (Ravnica: City of Guilds)

Flint Golem
Birds of Paradise
March of Souls

Marc Fishman (13)

Hartford, CT USA



Art: March of Souls

Mark A. Nelson (3)

North Illinois, USA

gdpmark53 at comcast dot net

Art: Spined Fluke

Margaret Organ-Kean (26)

Seattle, WA USA

margaret at organ-kean dot com

Mark Tedin and Julie Baroh of Krab Jab Studio are secondary contacts.

Art: Lion's Eye Diamond

Spined Fluke
Lion's Eye Diamond
Wild Pair

Mark Brill (38)

Tacoma, WA USA

brillustration at yahoo dot com


Art: Wild Pair

Mark Poole (110)

Lexington, SC USA

markpooleillustrator at gmail dot com


Art: Birds of Paradise (Limited Edition Alpha)

Mark Romanoski (27)

North Plainfield, NJ USA

mark at mark-romanoski dot com

mrillustration at comcast dot net


Art: Counterspell (Seventh Edition)

Birds of Paradise

Mark Tedin (194)

Seattle, WA USA

tedinmark at mindspring dot com

Art: Timetwister

Mark Zug (133)

Lewisberry, PA USA

mxug at aol dot com or e-mail form on site

Art: Doran, the Siege Tower

Martin McKenna (5)

Woodthorpe Nottingham, England

martin.mckenna at lineone dot net

info at martinmckenna dot co dot uk


Art: Armorer Guildmage

Doran, the Siege Tower
Armorer Guildmage
Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree

Martina Pilcerova (58)

Lucenec, Slovakia

martinaart at pobox dot sk


Art: Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree

Matt Cavotta (179)

Seattle, WA USA

matt1 at cavotta dot com

Matt.cavotta at wizards dot com

Does not respond to inquiries.

Art: Jaya Ballard, Task Mage

Matt Stawicki (2)

Delaware, USA

Stawickiart at comcast dot net

Art: Goblin Raider

Jaya Ballard, Task Mage
Goblin Raider
Soul Collector

Matthew D. Wilson (36)

Bellevue, WA USA

mw at privateerpress dot com

Has not signed cards through the mail in the past.

Art: Soul Collector

Melissa A. Benson (62)

Stratford, CT USA

Melissa at melissabenson dot com

mabenson at snet dot net

Art: Nightmare

Michael Phillippi (13)

Mandeville, LA USA

slothart at qwest dot net

slothproductions at yahoo dot com

michael at slothproductions dot com

Art: Autochthon Wurm

Autochthon Wurm
Lone Wolf

Michael Sutfin (85)

Oakland, CA USA

mike at mikesutfin dot com

Art: Lone Wolf

Michael Weaver (5)

Woodstock, GA USA

mweaver at mindspring dot com

mike at goldenzombie dot com



Art: Lone Wolf

Mike Kerr (5)

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

mike at wronghand dot com



Art: Jokulhaups

Lone Wolf
Durkwood Boars

Mike Kimble (19)

Boulder, CO USA

mkimble1 at gmail dot com


Art: Durkwood Boars

Mike Raabe (40)

Bellevue, WA USA

mraabe at mikeraabe dot com

http://www.mikeraabe.com (down currently)


Art: Adarkar Wastes

Monte Michael Moore (8)

Denver, CO USA

monte at mavarts dot com

mavmktg at qadas dot com

Art: Aphetto Dredging

Adarkar Wastes
Aphetto Dredging
Retribution of the Meek

Nathalie Hertz (3)

Reims, France


nhertz at cliqueetcroque dot com

Art: Retribution of the Meek

Nelson DeCastro (15)

New York, NY USA

spiderwebart at worldnet dot att dot net

jean at spiderwebart dot com


Art: Force Spike (Seventh Edition)

NéNé Thomas (23)

Oklahoma City, OK USA

nenethomas at aol dot com

Octavia at nenethomas dot com


Art: Hurkyl's Recall

Force Spike
Hurkyl's Recall
Ryusei, the Falling Star

Nottsuo (Ta Nemo) (14)



Needs an information update.

Art: Ryusei, the Falling Star

Paolo Parente (156)

Hong Kong / Italy

twistedtoyz at gmail dot com


Art: Godo, Bandit Warlord

Pat Morrissey (29)

Middleton, NH USA

Needs an information update.

Art: Rampant Growth (Mirage)

Godo, Bandit Warlord
Rampant Growth
Zombie Scavengers

Patrick Kochakji (2)

Los Angeles, CA USA

pat at patKochakji dot com



Art: Zombie Scavengers

Paul Lee (3)

California, USA

Needs an information update.

Art: Sands of Time

Pete Venters (282)

Seattle, WA USA

peteventers at gmail dot com



Art: Survival of the Fittest

Sands of Time
Survival of the Fittest
Animar, Soul of Elements

Peter Mohrbacher (31)

Chicago, IL USA

Bugmeyer at gmail dot com

Art: Animar, Soul of Elements

Phil and Kaja Foglio (109)

Seattle, WA USA

customerservice at studiofoglio dot com

Has not signed cards through the mail in the past.

Art: Eureka / Killer Bees

Puddnhead (Kevin Llewelyn?) (17)

Hollywood, CA USA

puddn at puddnhead dot com

kevxart at gmail dot com  . . . If that’s him.

Art: Troll Ascetic

Troll Ascetic
Cruel Ultimatum

Ralph Horsley (50)

Leeds, England

email at ralphhorsley dot co dot uk


Art: Cruel Ultimatum

Randy Asplund (24)

Ann Arbor, MI USA

Randy at RandyAsplund dot com

randyaf at provide dot net

Art: Thunder Spirit

Randy Elliott (19)

Skaneateles, NY USA

Randy at RandyElliottArt dot com

rcelliott at baldcom dot net


Art: Paladin en-Vec

Thunder Spirit
Paladin en-Vec
Counsel of the Soratami

Randy Gallegos (147)

New York, NY USA

art at gallegosart dot com



Art: Counsel of the Soratami

Ray Lago (27)

Jersey City, NJ USA

lagoray at aol dot com

Art: Captain Sisay

Raymond Swanland (83)

California, USA

raymond at oddworld dot com

raymondswanland.official at gmail dot com


Art: Arid Mesa

Captain Sisay
Arid Mesa
Elvish Piper

Rebecca Guay (150)

Amherst, MA USA

rebeccaguay at yahoo dot com

rebeccaguay.magicart at gmail dot com (Denee Wilkerson, her assistant)

rm at rmichelson dot com (for original art)

http://rmichelson.com/ (her gallery of original artwork)

Art: Elvish Piper

Richard Kane Ferguson (63)

Saratoga Springs, NY USA

rkaneferguson at gmail dot com

rkaneproductions1 at gmail dot com (Renee, his wife)



Art: Korlash, Heir to Blackblade

Richard Sardinha (17)

Rhode Island, USA

rick at battleduck dot com or website form


Art: Dolmen Gate

Korlash, Heir to Blackblade
Dolmen Gate

rk (Randy) post (114)

Kirkland, WA USA


postrk at aol dot com


Art: Morphling

Rob Alexander (145)

Oakland, CA USA

rob at robalexander dot com

Art: Underground Sea

Roger Raupp (42)

Highland, WI USA – last known

ruppo at mhtc dot net

Art: Quicksand

Underground Sea

Rogério Vilela (2)

Sao Paolo, Brazil

Vilela at fabrica dot art dot br

vilela at usa dot net


Art: Alms

Romas Kukalis (6)

Also known as just “Romas”

Keene, NH USA

romas at ne dot rr dot com


Art: City of Solitude

Ron Chironna (4)

Staten Island, NY USA

ronald.chironna at gmail dot com

ronchironna at excite dot com


Art: Eladamri, Lord of Leaves

City of Solitude
Eladamri, Lord of Leaves
Akroma, Angel of Wrath

Ron Spears (108)

Reno, NV USA

spears at charter dot net


Art: Akroma, Angel of Wrath

Ron Spencer (234)

Aurora, NE USA

ber5erker at hamilton dot net


Art: Yawgmoth's Will

Ruth Thompson (9)

Niles, OH USA

E-mail form or store at redrooart dot com


Art: Justice

Yawgmoth's Will

Ryan Pancoast (58)

Providence, RI USA

ryanpancoast at gmail dot com


Art: Plains (Magic 2011 with sunflowers)

Shishizaru (25)

Osaka, Japan

Shishizaru at Hcn dot Zaq dot Ne dot Jp


Art: Glimpse of Nature

Stephanie Pui-Mun Law (3)

stephlaw at shadowscapes dot com

stephlaw at gmail dot com

Art: Temporal Distortion

Glimpse of Nature
Temporal Distortion
Tolarian Academy

Stephen Daniele (29)

Redmond, WA USA


Has not signed cards through the mail in the past.

Art: Tolarian Academy

Steve Argyle (57)

Utah, USA

steveargyle at gmail dot com



Art: Liliana of the Veil

Stephen “Steve” Luke (29)

United Kingdom

libidoint at yahoo dot com

natalie at sanassy dot u-net dot com


Art: Mind Rot

Liliana of the Veil
Mind Rot
Rhys the Exiled

Steve Prescott (124)

xprescott at hotmail dot com

steve2 at rottface dot com



Art: Rhys the Exiled, Rhys the Redeemed

Steve White (13)

London, England – last known.

No current correct information.

Art: River Boa

Steven Belledin (106)

Seattle, WA USA

steven at stevenbelledin dot com

Art: Rampant Growth

River Boa
Rampant Growth
Harbor Guardian

Stuart Beel (2)

Glasgow, Scotland

stuartbeelweb at googlemail dot com


Art: Harbor Guardian

Stuart Griffin (17)

Earley Reading Berks, England

Art: Maro

Susan Van Camp (44)

Flint, MI USA

susanvancamp at dragonstorm dot org

svancamp at mac dot com

Art: Hymn to Tourach

Hymn to Tourach
Force of Will

Terese Nielsen (178)

Temple City, CA USA

tnielsen at flashcom dot net

Also a form: https://shop.tnielsen.com/contactus.sc


Art: Force of Will

Thomas M. Baxa (110)

Los Angeles, CA USA

tbaxa at baxaart dot com

Has not signed cards through the mail in the past.

Art: Duplicant

Thomas Gianni (30)

Chicago, IL USA

thomasfgianni at gmail dot com

Art: Tower of the Magistrate

Tower of the Magistrate
Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind

Todd Lockwood (60)

Bonney Lake, WA USA

todd at toddlockwood dot com


Art: Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind

Tom Kyffin “Cuff-in” (16)

Edinburgh, Scotland / South Africa?

karen.newis at ukonline dot uk dot co (old)

info at magentafox dot co dot za




Art: Quirion Ranger

Tom Waenerstrand (60)

Seattle, WA USA

umlaut at mindspring dot com

Tom.Wanerstrand at wizards dot com

Art: Royal Assassin

Quirion Ranger
Royal Assassin
Elephant Grass

Tony Roberts (16)

E Sussex, England

robertsart at tiscali dot co dot uk

robertsart at tiscali dot co dot uk


Art: Elephant Grass

Val Mayerik (38)

Lake Oswego, OR USA

vmayerik at comcast dot com


Art: Fires of Yavimaya

Vance Kovacs (47)

vance at vancekovacs dot com



Has not signed cards through the mail in the past.

Art: Verdant Catacombs

Fires of Yavimaya
Verdant Catacombs
Elspeth, Knight-Errant

Volkan Baga (63)

Wuerzburg, Germany

mail at volkanbaga dot de

Working through: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Marks-Comics-Collectibles-Inc/200305380294

Art: Elspeth, Knight-Errant

Wayne Reynolds (114)

Leeds, England

waynereynoldsart at ntlworld dot com




Art: Ajani Vengeant

William Donohoe (3)

Brighton, Sussex, England

mail at billdonohoe dot com



Art: Ancestral Memories

Ajani Vengeant
Ancestral Memories
Forced Fruition

William O'Connor (18)

Plainfield, NJ USA

Wocillo at aol dot com

woconnor at wocstudios dot com



Art: Forced Fruition

Zina Saunders (29)

New York, NY USA

zinaj at earthlink dot net


Art: Karoo

Justin Hampton (17)

Art: Winds of Change

Winds of Change

Scott Kirschner (43)

Art: Smokestack

Bryon Wackwitz (20)

Art: Angus Mackenzie



E-mail forms are on each site for contact.

Glen Angus (Deceased)

Art: Mindslaver

Angus Mackenzie
Crystal Shard

Doug Chaffee (Deceased)

Art: Crystal Shard

Tim Hildebrandt (Deceased)

Art: Bridge from Below

Quinton Hoover (Deceased)

Art: Vesuvan Doppelganger

Bridge from Below
Vesuvan Doppelganger
The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale

Nicola Beeson Leonard

Art: The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale

Keith Parkinson Deceased

Art: Limited Resources

Ron Walotsky (Deceased)

Art: City of Brass

Limited Resources
City of Brass

Enjoy contacting artists. Be nice to them.

- Mike


Help me with:

The Alpha art Catalogue Raissone

Sign the petition for an art book!

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