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Legacy: The Testament of Duke de Crecy
Legacy: The Testament of Duke de Crecy
Legacy: The Testament of Duke de Crecy
Legacy: The Testament of Duke de Crecy
Legacy: The Testament of Duke de Crecy
Legacy: The Testament of Duke de Crecy
Legacy: The Testament of Duke de Crecy
Legacy: The Testament of Duke de Crecy
Legacy: The Testament of Duke de Crecy
Legacy: The Testament of Duke de Crecy
Legacy: The Testament of Duke de Crecy
Legacy: The Testament of Duke de Crecy

Legacy: The Testament of Duke de Crecy


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Product Details

What's in the Box?

275+ High-Quality Components!

  • 1 Main Board

  • 4 Head of the Family Cards

  • 75 Friend Cards

  • 74 Child Cards

  • 24 Gold Cards

  • 9 Title Cards

  • 9 Contribution Cards

  • 6 Patron Cards

  • 1 Round Marker

  • 1 Starting Player Card

  • 15 Mission Cards

  • 7 Mansion Cards

  • 7 Venture Cards

  • 15 Hint Cards

  • 12 Player Markers

  • 4 Player Boards

  • 23 Pawns

Noble Lord,

If these words have reached you, this means that I am no longer of this earth, and have joined my ancestors in a more peaceful place. Whether you found this manuscript in an old libarary, in a chest buried deep in a cave, or perhaps in a dusty old box - know you hold in your hands the last words of the Duke de Crecy. In these last moments of my life my thoughts return to the powerful houses, the great leaders and noble gentlefolk of France that Fate has placed on my path. What mark have I left on the ever spinning wheels of history? What is my legacy? You have porbably not even heard of the noble house de Crecy, about the history we have made, and the glorious moments we have had. My name has never managed to rise above the vast ocean of mediocrity. I did not marry my children off to the rulers of this world. I have brought others, not myself to achieve the highest honors. I warn you, my Lord, do not go down this road! All those years of intrigues, manipulations and scheming behind the scenes have brought me nothing but bitter of oblivion.

Prepare yourself and your family for the forthcoming storms. Make sure your name is on the lips of random men on street corners worthy of its fame, indeed, eternalized in the annals of History itself. Take care to marry your sons to the daughters of powerful men, and give your daughters to those, who excel in greatness. Fight for the laurel wreaths and honors to be bestowed on your grandchildren and do not let anyone outrun them in this race. May their deeds and endeavors be the talk of the nation, discussed at each ball, party and event of importance. Have palaces and mansions erected to be celebrations of the power of your name for generations to come. Be wise when investing in your wealth, and your grandsons will still sip the sweet nectar of profit when you have left this world for good yourself. Mind those words, as written in this, the last will of the Duke de Crecy. Leave a great legacy to the world: the power of a house that will grow in strength with each new century.

Duke de Crecy

1729, Pre-Revolution France

You are a wealthy, well-educated aristocrat, but now you see that history is about to change its course and you know that in order to stay strong, your family must preapre well. You will need to find new allies, absorb smaller families, and use their potency to strengthen your bloodline.

Legacy: The Testament of Duke de Crecy enables you to build a powerful dynasty in 18th century France. Ovee three generations, you - a resourceful patriarch or matriarch - will attempt to create a lasting legacy by establishing a house with ties to may different wealthy and poweful families from France, Great Britain, Russia, Spain, and other countries.

The object of the game is to gain wealth and influence by arranging strategic marriages, creating offspring, acquiring titles, building mansions and contributing to the community. The game will last for three generations. At the end of the game, the winner is the player whose family has gain the most Honor points.

Learn to Play Legacy: The Testament of Duke de Crecy with Watch It Played!

Check Out the Five Families Expansion!

  • 1 Rulebook

  • 60 Family Cards

  • 20 Birth Event Cards

  • 8 Patron Cards

  • 5 Great House Cards

  • 6 Daisy Track Cards

  • 6 Blank Cards

  • 60 Favor Tokens

  • 1 Favor Board

Four New Modules!

Legacy: The Testament of Duke de Crecy Five Families introduces four new modules that shake things up for your family tree! Offer members of your family and trade assets to opponents for favor in the Five Families Module! The Birth Events Module brings new challenges to your family that could effect more than just a new child! The Patrons Module adds eight new Patrons to those from the base game! And last but not least, the Solo Variant introduces the rules you need to play a solo game of Legacy!

Family Always Comes First

Go forth and build up a noble family tree in order to leave a legacy that would make Duke de Crecy proud! Get your copy of Legacy: The Testament of Duke de Crecy today!

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