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A Final Top Ten Cards from Doctor Who


Hello awesome folks! Today I have something special! I am writing up my final article on the good stuff from the recently released Doctor Who set! I am out on vacation this week in San Diego since I've never been to California and wanted to knockout another state (Left is Hawaii, Alaska, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota). However, I wrote this last week before I left, but next week will be an article about the Top Ten Card Flow in Red.

As a reminder, this list cares about things good at kitchen table formats like the 500-pound gorilla Commander, other Highlander formats, Five Color, Type Four and then all multiplayer stuff too.

Ready for my list? Since my list normally has 13, Ten spots and then three Honorable Mentions that means if we do 13 that ends at 39 to 27, so instead we'll knock out 14 to get to an even Top Forty.

Ready? Let's do it to it!

Honorable Mention #1 (#40 Overall) - The Twelfth Doctor

The Twelfth Doctor

Let's start this thing off with everyone's second favorite two color combo in Commander - Izzet! This is a five-drop 4/4 so he's a bit small, and he has the Doctor type so you can Doctor's Companion him with anything. Then you get two abilities. Did you cast a spell from anywhere other than your hand? Great! Demonstrate! Make a copy and then your foe makes a copy. This is just once/turn. Then when you copy a spell, you toss a +1/+1 counter on this for winning. So, this is a nice copy matters with stuff that gets cast from places like exile (adventure, suspend, foretell, etc) or your graveyard (flashback, jump-start) so it's a common genre but with a new take on it.

Honorable Mention #2 (#39. Overall) - Romana II

Romana II

She's a Doctor's Companion for partnering with any, and she has vigilance to stop folks from attacking you after you attacked them. Then you can tap her with a mana to copy any token you control, tapped, if it was made that turn. Unlike populate this will work on non-creatures like Treasures or Clues like the Fugitive Doctor in Gruul. Or you can use it to copy dorks you made too, but do note that this will only copy what was made that turn, so it's often worse than populate since if your token you want to copy didn't enter that turn you'd be stuck. I love her with red Doctors that add in the temporary token makers like Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker or his Saga Reflections of Kiki-Jiki to ensure this works every one of your main phases. Next let's look at another legendary gold Commander option, and this time let's do Black to knock out every color save Green in three cards!

Honorable Mention #3 (#38. Overall) - The Master, Mesmerist

The Master, Mesmerist

This Time Lord will rock you two abilities. The first is that you can tap him for no mana to give a foe's creature goad and skulk this turn as long as their power is the Master's power or less so that's a base of three power with his 3/3 body. Then you can increase his power with things like +1/+1 counters or equipment to really push that up bunches. Then when a creature with skulk deals combat damage to a foe you draw a card for card flow and toss a counter on him of the +1/+1 variety. Nasty synergy there! Note that this will work on your skulk stuff too, so you can toss those in here too. Forcing your foes to fight each other and drawing and pumping his power all on one card is great! You will want to run him with haste and protection equipment like Lightning Greaves or Swiftfoot Boots to tap when you cast him. I think he'll love Thousand-Year Elixir and you could add in other tappers too like Arcanis the Omnipotent or Avatar of Woe. Next is a colorless artifact, but...what?

Honorable Mention #4 (#37. Overall) - River Song's Diary

River Song's Diary

This has two abilities. First, as players cast instants or sorceries exile them and imprint them here. You too! Then at the beginning of your upkeep, if there were at least four imprinted you get a free one at random without spending mana! Sure, it's random, but it's worth it. Note that you might get something that cannot be played in your upkeep, like Counterspell. That's fine. It's funny. Since it's free, it won't do anything else. Note that once exiled, they cannot be cast from the graveyards, so this is a break on things like flashback or retrace.

#10. (#36. Overall) Trenzalore Clocktower

Trenzalore Clocktower

This Blue-tapping legendary land is next! Note that this ETBs untapped unlike many so you aren't taking a turn off, unlike many color tapping non-basics. When you tap it, you put a time counter on it. Then you can tap it with two mana, exile this, and then pull off 12 counters when you control a Time Lord to Timetwister yourself! A draw 7 in landform? For just you? Nasty! Sure, it has breaks like needing a Time Lord out or 12 Time counters, but this is worth it, it's in the color of proliferate, and you aren't taking a turn off for it ETB tapped since you can tap it right then there. Any changeling or Time Lord Commander with a Blue color identity should add this in right now, and keep it in right now. Hitting our next spot is another Doctor, Time Lord for this and then Blue too!

#9. (#35. Overall) - The Eighth Doctor

The Eighth Doctor

The Doctor that many forgot existed! He's awesome, but he's back here in my third list because of that oppressive six-cost for just a 4/4. But your six-mana investment will let you mill three of your own when he ETBs. Then you can play/cast a historic land or permanent spell from your graveyard, but just once per turn and you still need to pay the costs. Then when it would die, it gets exiled instead, so this is a one trick pony. We already know how good Historic cast triggers are for beloved Commanders like Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain in this color combo of Izzet instead of White, or White instead with Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle which have great synergy with the cast trigger, so we know what to expect, and you can add another color with a Doctor's Companion. Love this powerhouse loads for the winning fun times to commence! This is our last charting Doctor in these three articles.

#8. (#34. Overall) - Jenny, Generated Anomaly

Jenny, Generated Anomaly

Everyone's favorite Time Lord Clone. She costs four in Boros, with double strike and a two power so that's four she's dealing base and could increase massively from there. Then she has a combat damage trigger to a foe which can happen twice with her double strike. She explores! You'll often toss +1/+1 counters on her and then twice in one combat so she can grow very quickly, and she's in Boros so an exploring leader with double strike is a new take on this color combo which I love bunches. She's also a Time Lord for things that care.

#7. (#33. Overall) - Fractured Identity

Fractured Identity

Hitting our halfway point is this five cost Azorius sorcery! It exiles any nonland permanent - that's a brilliant answer for things since you cannot save it by giving it indestructible in response like Flawless Maneuver or with recursion like Academy Ruins, and it's never coming back and sure to head out. Only a hexproof answer at instant speed like Heroic Intervention will work. But that costs five mana and at sorcery speed and that already exists at instant speed for four mana (although in a different color combo) with Utter End so you'll need a reason to include this. Wow did they add it! You and every other player makes a copy! Exile their most nasty and you get a copy in a dual and everyone one else gets one in multiplayer! If that was a Consecrated Sphinx or Mind's Eye? Take out a combo piece like Ashnod's Altar and hand it out. You can play politics and tag team to take out a bigger threat by exiling their Sun Titan and then having everyone else that got one swing in at him. If someone is playing a nasty threat like Blightsteel Colossus to win in one hit, answer with this and then kill him. I also love this in Type Four with infinite mana but just one spell per turn so you can answer anything other than lands and net a copy in one card. So now your foe will have to waste a turn answering what you answered. Enjoy this sorcery! Next let's stay in Blue with a spell, but this time an instant!

#6. (#32. Overall) - Flatline


A new make of an old multiplayer and Commander Classic in a new color! What card am I referring to? Sudden Spoiling! Which is still in a massive 35,697 decks over at EDHREC.com but used to be iconic as a multiplayer favorite. What did the Spoiling do? Three mana, Black, one target player's dorks became 0/2 and lost all abilities for the turn, and then it had split second, so it could not be responded to by things like counters or sacrifice effects like Sakura-Tribe Elder. Flatline above is both better and worse, let's look:


  1. It's easier to cast with just one mana of its color.
  2. It works on all opposing stuff not just one players.
  3. It gives one toughness not two.


  1. It lacks split second so you can answer it.
  2. The creatures keep their abilities.

I think you can make a case for it over the Sudden Spoiling in some Dimir brews and not in others where this was a blowout as a combat trick or with red mass damage effects like Mizzium Mortars that will shoot them all for 4 damage, you'd prefer the Sudden Spoiling to remove things like indestructible. Or just run them together with both cards in Highlander stuff. But this is an obvious multiplayer card that should do quite well with multiplayer stuff. Next is another White legendary dork, but which one?

#5. (#31 Overall) - Wilfred Mott

Wilfred Mott

This four-mana 2/4 is a bit small but you'll love his ability to in your upkeep toss a time counter here and then dig X where that's your counter count and then drop, for free, a three-drop or fewer permanent onto the battlefield. This will get lands too, by the by, just like the powerhouse in his color Sun Titan. I also love him with many decks and you can proliferate those time tokens all day long. He is just all of the awesome all of the time! Alright Green fans...I got your Commander coming up next, and he is White too! Who?

#4. (#30. Overall) - Sergeant John Benton

Sergeant John Benton

A guy so cool and unique that I built around him earlier this week. He combines Selesnya Voltron with Group Hug. This three-drop with two power and haste to swing now and then trample to smash through blockers of the chump variety. Then you have a combat damage trigger. For each damage dealt to your foe? Each of you draw that many cards! So, you are helping and killing at once! They won't mind this in 40-life formats like Commander early or midgame, and they can draw answers to it when it becomes an issue and as your Commander you don't have access to Blue for countering their answers. They may embrace it! In a nicer game, rotate who you attack each turn so everyone gets the goods! Next let's knock out an enchantment!

#3. (#29. Overall) - The Sound of Drums

The Sound of Drums

This three-drop Aura gives the enchanted dork goad to play havoc with attacks. Then it deals double damage to anything not just the player it smashes, so you might want to put this on your Commander for a free Commander Damage out of nowhere, don't sleep on that. Then you can invest three mana when it's in your graveyard to return it to your hand! Nasty winning condition, great to recur over and over again, and machine of love! It's a brilliant new goad Aura entry! Hitting #2 above are, appropriately enough, two legendary leaders for your consideration that are in enemy colors. But which ones?

#2. (#28 Overall) The Cyber-Controller AND Vrestin, Menoptra Leader

The Cyber-Controller
Vrestin, Menoptra Leader

This pair of three-mana dorks with an X in their cost are great. And they are in the color of ramp with Dimir's Cabal Coffers and Selesnya's ramp like Cultivate and Land Tax. Then the former has a 3/3 body and then your other artifact dorks get +1/+1 so he's a lord for that type. Then you can have your foe's mill X and then put the creatures that way face down under your control as 2/2 Cyberman that are artifact dorks. So, they'll be 3/3s with him!

The latter one arrives with X size. It has flying too, by the by. Then you make X 1/1 flyers with the Insect type on arrival to the battlefield. Then when you attack with Insects, put a +1/+1 counter on them all. Nasty Insect lord and then that's a popular type and now color shifted from Golgari to Selesnya. Love it loads! The final card will be two colors, and legendary, but which one?

#1. (#27. Overall) - The Beast, Deathless Prince

The Beast, Deathless Prince

Welcome to our final card on my final list, and everyone loves a Rakdos cheaper body for the casting cost stuff with a disadvantage! This four-drop ETBs with a strong 6/6 body, but you pay since it ETBs tapped and has six stun counters on it so it won't untap naturally for a long time! Then when you cast it, even if countered, this will resolve. You Threaten an opposing dork for turn, with haste and untaps. Then when you deal damage to a foe by its owner, you draw a card and untap this. Nasty card flow, and you'll load this up with other Threaten effects, and you can add in Sacrifice stuff too like Goblin Bombardment or Viscera Seer to "Steal N' Sac!" I love this so much! Draw the cards, untap this, kill others fast with their own stuff, and then win. Welcome our new Rakdos buddy!

I hope that you enjoyed our final look at a Top Ten from this set! Next week we'll look at my choices for the Top Ten Red Card Flow of All Time! See you then!

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