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Streets of New Capenna Standard Set Review: Red and Artifacts


Today we continue our set review of Streets of New Capenna. Yesterday we went over the Black cards, and today we will be going over the Red and Artifact cards.

I will not be going over cards that I believe will not see play in Standard and I will not be going over the Commander cards that will not see Standard play. For example, cards like Angelic Observer and Ballroom Brawlers will be omitted since they are just Limited cards and saying, "This is just a Limited card" repeatedly gets old rather fast. Do not worry though, I will be covering all the rare and mythic cards in the actual Streets of New Capenna. So, if you like a certain rare or mythic, it will be mentioned in the review.

Keep in mind I'm rating all these cards for Standard playability. I will mention Modern applications if I believe the card has some.

Each card will be listed by color, then alphabetically by name.

Each card will be given a rating of 1-5. If a card would receive a 0, meaning it will see no play in that format ever, its rating is left off the list.

Rating | Explanation | Standard Examples

0 - Will never see play in this format (0 ratings are not listed).

1 - Unlikely to see play. (Divine Gambit)

2 - Could see fringe play, or occasional sideboard card. (Disdainful Stroke, Annul, Candletrap, Shadows' Verdict)

3 - Commonly played, staple in a single deck, or frequent play in several decks. (Righteous Valkyrie, Behold the Multiverse, Farewell)

4 - Format staples. Sees play in multiple decks, one of the best cards in the format. (Esika's Chariot, Elite Spellbinder, The Wandering Emperor)

5 - Format warping. If you are in these colors, you play that card or keep that card in mind when building decks. (Thalia, Guardian of Thraben, Hullbreaker Horror)

Now that we have that out of the way, let's begin!


Arcane Bombardment
Arcane Bombardment - 2 - Super fun meme or commander card but this is what this card is. Not a tier one card but one I will brew around.
Big Score
Big Score - 3.5 - Just better Unexpected Windfall. Will absolutely see competitive play, just like Windfall.
Devilish Valet
Devilish Valet - 2.5 - This reminds me of Chandra's Spitfire, where if your opponent untaps with it, you are in a world of hurt if you cannot interact with it. It's worse though because it is harder to trigger and does not fly.
Glittering Stockpile
Glittering Stockpile - 3 - We heard you like ramping. So now you can ramp as you ramp into a big ramp treasures! SIGN ME UP, I hope this can help bring back Big Red.
Hoard Hauler
Hoard Hauler - 1.5 - Commander card as this one just does not really cut it for 4 mana, maybe if it had haste.
Jaxis, the Troublemaker
Jaxis, the Troublemaker - 2 - Give creatures without Blitz the ability to Blitz! 4 mana is too much though. You will need to untap with it, have a creature on the battlefield and one in hand to discard, it is asking for a bit too much.
Professional Face-Breaker
Professional Face-Breaker - 2 - 3 toughness is not where you want to be for a creature that has no enters the battlefield ability, especially when we also get Strangle with this set.
Rob the Archives
Rob the Archives - 2.5 - A different Reckless Impulse, you will really need to have a tiny curve to get the full value out of this card early. Does seem powerful in an artifact deck with zero mana value cards.
Sticky Fingers
Sticky Fingers - 3 - The draw a card on this one is what really pushes it for me. If you are building a "treasures matter" deck, consider Sticky Fingers!
Strangle - 2 - Sorcery speed but three damage is a solid amount for 1 mana. At the very least it is an excellent Sideboard option.
Structural Assault
Structural Assault - 2.5 - Love this against the Oni-Anvil sacrifice decks as it clears the board almost entirely, except for The Meathook Massacre. You just cannot really play this one main deck as it is narrow.
Torch Breath
Torch Breath - 2.5 - The entire cycle is great for the Sideboard! Especially like it in Historic against annoying tempo decks.
Unlucky Witness
Unlucky Witness - 3.5 - Great sacrifice outlet, especially since you have until your next turn to play the card.
Urabrask, Heretic Praetor
Urabrask, Heretic Praetor - 2.5 - This card is very rude with Drannith Magistrate, but outside of that, it is a weak Praetor when compared to the rest.
Widespread Thieving
Widespread Thieving - 3 - I think this card is decent. It basically makes every spell you cast cheaper since it gives you Treasures with each one. You do not have to play five colors either to trigger the ability since the Treasures work.


Getaway Car
Getaway Car - 1.5 - We have better beep beeps than this like Reckoner Bankbuster, stick to that one!
Luxior, Giada's Gift
Luxior, Giada's Gift - 2 - Really interesting card. I had to reread to make sure I read it correctly and I did and it is still a very unique one. I'm glad it exists and seems sweet with 3 mana walkers though I am not sure it is needed.
Unlicensed Hearse
Unlicensed Hearse - 2.5 - Solid Sideboard card that exiles graveyards AND gives you a threat. I love it!

Top 5 Red Cards

  1. Unlucky Witness
  2. Big Score
  3. Sticky Fingers
  4. Glittering Stockpile
  5. Widespread Thieving

Tomorrow we will be going over the Green and land cards, make sure to tune in!

As always, thanks for reading,

Ali Aintrazi

Follow me @AliEldrazi

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