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Hour of Devastation Set Review: Blue


Today we’ll be going over the Blue cards for Hour of Devastation. Things are going to be a little different today and here on out. I will not be reviewing cards that I know will not see any play in Standard. For example, cards like Aerial Guide and Aven Reedstalker will be omitted since they are just Limited cards and me saying, “This is just a Limited card and won’t see play in Standard” repeatedly is redundant and not necessary. However, I will cover all the rare cards, even if they are unplayable in Standard. All right with that out of the way, let’s look at my grading scale!

RATINGExplanationStandard Examples

0 — Will never see play in Standard. (0 ratings are not listed).

1 — Unlikely to see play.(Hedron Alignment)

2 — Could see fringe play, or occasional sideboard card.(Negate, Duress.)

3 — Commonly played, staple in a single deck, or frequent play in several decks. (Tireless Tracker, Hedron Archive, Oketra's Monument)

4 — Format staple, sees play in multiple decks, one of the best cards in the format. (Torrential Gearhulk, Glimmer of Genius, Traverse the Ulvenwald)

5 — Standard all-star. When building a deck, you keep this card in mind. If you’re playing this color you have this card in your main deck or at the very least, in your sideboard. (Gideon, Ally of Zendikar)

Champion of Wits — 3

Champion of Wits

This reminds me of Sea Gate Oracle. Filling your graveyard for Liliana, Death's Majesty, delirium, or anything else you want. The Eternalize is costly but very powerful in the late game, especially since it can't be countered by normal means. It also draws more cards if you somehow can pump it with the trigger on the stack. Interesting card and I'm sure it will see play. It's kind of like a Blue Tireless Tracker, not as powerful, but still good enough.

Countervailing Winds — 2

Countervailing Winds

If a cycling deck ever takes off I can see this card seeing play but it competes with Supreme Will and Disallow. Not really a place you want to be. However, in the right deck you can get more value out of this than the other cards. It just has very good competition.

Fraying Sanity — 2.5

Fraying Sanity

One of the strongest milling effects I've seen. I'm putting myself on the spot by giving this such a high rating but I think control is going to end up being a thing and if that's the case, a mill deck will be very good. A couple of Fraying Sanities and Startled Awake is game over.

Hour of Eternity — 2

Hour of Eternity

Too slow, but it is a mono blue reanimate card and blue hasn't ever had anything like this. Getting back something like Torrential Gearhulk, Razaketh, the Foulblooded, or Chaos Maw is powerful for five mana. In the late game getting back two or more creatures can close out games in a hurry. I like it in Sultai Delirium but triple blue is a big commitment.

Imaginary Threats — 1.5

Imaginary Threats

A worse Sleep and Turbo Fog decks already have Haze of Pollen and Commencement of Festivities. This could see fringe play but that would surprise me.

Jace's Defeat — 2

Jace's Defeat

Strictly better Gainsay. This will 100% see play in Standard and may find its way into main decks if control ever takes over the format.

Kefnet's Last Word — 2

Kefnet's Last Word

People compare this to Confiscation Coup; sure, Coup might be better if you are using energy but Kefnet's Last Word is miles better for decks that can't generate a lot of energy. Even decks that can might want this in their Sideboard. Control decks have a tough time dealing with Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger and Kefnet's Last Word forces the ramp deck to deal with it instead of you. I’ll skip untapping my lands for an Ulamog!

Nimble Obstructionist — 3

Nimble Obstructionist

This card is huge in older formats but even in Standard it's good enough. While not as good as Vendilion Clique it can still stop some very important triggers like Oath of Nissa, Evolving Wilds, Torrential Gearhulk, Sanctum of Ugin, Spell Queller, Planeswalker ultimates, and many other things. All this while on a 3/1 flash, flying body. I really like this card and being able to buy it back with something like Liliana, the Last Hope seems great in Sultai Delirium.

Riddleform — 2


A build around me card. I can see a world where you want this in your Sideboard against control to get in for three damage here and there while also being a mana sink when you aren't doing anything else. Three damage is a lot and Glint Hawk Idol saw play so I don't see why this can't if it has enough support.

Spellweaver Eternal — 2.5

Spellweaver Eternal

An extremely powerful Prowess creature that can slide into an aggressive ur deck very easily. Probably alongside Fevered Visions, Stormchaser Mage, burn spells, and Glorybringer at the top of the curve.

Strategic Planning — 2

Strategic Planning

Cards going to the graveyard is important, maybe this is the card Splendid Reclamation has been looking for to help it fuel its Reclamation or Rise from the Tides. Sorcery speed really hurts unless your deck already operates mostly at Sorcery speed. Control will not play this but will opt for Anticipate or Supreme Will.

Supreme Will — 3

Supreme Will

This competes with Disallow but it honestly might be better. Depending on how the metagame shapes up you might want to max out on these before Disallow or any other countermagic. So many times you would draw Disallow after a threat has resolved and it's basically a dead draw and puts you so far behind. Not anymore, with Supreme Will you can Impulse if countering is too late. Another great scenario is you pass the turn with mana up to counter a spell, your opponent doesn't play anything and instead just attacks with their creatures. Well, now you won't lose a whole turn of doing nothing, you can just Impulse at their end step instead. Options are great, and it's even better on Mana Leak.

Swarm Intelligence — 2

Swarm Intelligence

I'm in love with this card, I know it's not amazing and the format is too fast for this but there was a world where The Mirari saw play. I just want to untap with this and start casting Part the Waterveils. Let me dream okay?

Tragic Lesson — 2

Tragic Lesson

Instant speed draw and discard is good for a reanimator strategy, especially if you're operating at Instant speed and want to hold up removal or countermagic.

Unesh, Criosphinx Sovereign — 2.5

Unesh, Criosphinx Sovereign

Competes with Torrential Gearhulk but there must be a deck where you want this over Gearhulk. Fact or Fiction is very powerful and extremely testing, especially if you're doing it every other turn or every turn. It being legendary is a drawback but not that big of a deal. The second Unesh will only cost four mana. Sure, it will kill itself due to legend rule, but you'll be able to Fact or Fiction twice! Four mana for two Fact or Fictions? Yes please! This can see play alongside other good sphinxs too, like Curator of Mysteries.

Unsummon — 1.5


Not Vapor Snag, no Snapcaster Mage or Jace, Vryn's Prodigy to get more value out of it, and lastly, we don't have great 1-drop creatures like Delver of Secrets to punish our opponents for their loss of tempo.

Top 3 Blue Cards

  1. Supreme Will
  2. Nimble Obstructionist
  3. Champion of Wits

Supreme Will is the best of the bunch and will see the most play out of these three. Nimble Obstructionist can and will slide into control and tempo decks. Nimble Obstructionist and Spell Queller make quite the pair and can put on some major pressure. Blue got some good ones this set. Make sure to tune in tomorrow for the Black Set Review!

As always thanks for reading,

Ali Aintrazi

@AliEldrazi on Twitter

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