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Strixhaven Limited Set Review: Green, Colorless, and Land


Today we will be taking a look at the last of Strixhaven's Mono-colored cards. The only thing left for tomorrow will be the Multicolored cards and Modals. Let's take a look at what Green has to offer!

This article is the fourth of five, and in it I will be evaluating every Green, Colorless, Artifact and Land card and scoring them on a scale of 1-5. These ratings are purely based on Limited formats and have no bearing on Constructed play. I would also like to note these ratings are based on how I believe the card will perform in an AVERAGE Sealed or Draft deck. Often this means a lower score for cards with great potential in a highly synergistic deck.

Rating - Explanation

1- Ideally not making the cut in any of my Limited decks.

2- Not good, but a necessity for curve filling and smoothing out draws.

3- Value cards I am happy to fill my deck with.

4- Cards to get excited about and Premium Removal.

5- Reserved for cards that will win the game if left unanswered.


Accomplished Alchemist
Accomplished Alchemist - 3 - It is a bit odd to find a mana dork as a 4-drop, but this Elf has some decent stats and offers mana of any color. With the amount of multicolored cards in the format, I love that this will enable you to run some of the more powerful spells from the other Green school - Quandrix or Witherbloom.
Basic Conjuration
Basic Conjuration - 2.5 - 3 mana is high for this sort of ability. This is not something I would want to play in my 40-card deck, but getting to Learn this Lesson will offer a fair amount of value over a long game. Getting to dig down 6 cards means it will likely get something decent. With a few haymakers in the deck this looks great as a bonus card.
Bayou Groff
Bayou Groff - 3 - We see a lot of vanilla 5-mana 5/4s and they are always fine. This one has a decent upside of synergizing with Witherbloom and will likely get cast on two a fair amount of the time. Sacrificing Eyetwitch or a Pest to this can just end games. Not bad for a common.
Big Play
Big Play - 2.5 - This combat trick is cheap and offers a lasting effect on the board. There is also some +1/+1 counter synergy in Black (though it is meant for Silverquill) and it is likely to work really well if some of them make it into your Witherbloom deck.
Bookwurm - 3.5 - Normally I would not rate an 8-drop this highly, but there is enough ramp self-contained in Green to make this more reasonable than in most sets. Quandrix loves this sort of card and might even consider playing more than one when possible. Getting to draw as an ETB is also great because it does not get punished by removal that exiles.
Charge Through
Charge Through - 1.5 - This is likely to just cycle in most games. Large Fractal tokens might benefit from this, but the real reason to consider this would be powerful Magecraft cards. Getting to draw means fueling future triggers. Not likely to see a ton of play.
Containment Breach
Containment Breach - 2.5 - This is always a great effect to have in the sideboard, and the fact that this can be gotten if needed by Learn spells makes it even better. Definitely worth picking up when possible.
Devouring Tendrils
Devouring Tendrils - 3.5 - One sided fight or "punch" spells are always great in Limited, and for only 2 mana this is a great deal. This is Green's premium removal.
Dragonsguard Elite
Dragonsguard Elite - 4 - 2 mana with infinite upside. Even without a spell-heavy deck this will get a ton of value if left on the board for any length of time.
Ecological Appreciation
Ecological Appreciation - 2.5 - A variable cost Gifts Ungiven effect for creatures only but without the graveyard upside and combo potential of Gifts. In this case, you'll get your third and fourth best 3-drops for 6 mana, 4-drops for 7 mana, etc. Far too inefficient a spell, but if you have enough good creatures it is still card advantage.
Emergent Sequence
Emergent Sequence - 3 - Wow. I really love this spell. This is a 2-mana ramp spell that also fixes and adds a 1/1 or likely a 2/2 onto the battlefield. This is some insane value!
Exponential Growth
Exponential Growth - 2 - This card is a lot worse than it looks. With a few flying or trample creatures it might become playable, but it still isn't great at sorcery speed. Your creature is likely to just get chump blocked or worse - 2-for-1ed!
Field Trip
Field Trip - 3 - Now this is a ramp spell you don't have to feel guilty about playing. These spells have such a small window where they are good in a game, but adding Learn to the card removes most of that downside. It doesn't color fix, and that is a bit sad.
Fortifying Draught
Fortifying Draught - 2 - +2/+2 for 1 mana is not a horrible rate. It is playable in any Green deck but better in Witherbloom.
Gnarled Professor
Gnarled Professor - 4 - This massive plant is a great threat early and it replaces itself with an extra card. There is nothing not to like about this.
Honor Troll
Honor Troll - 3 - Getting a 2/3 with vigilance for 3-mana is decent, and getting to 25 life won't be hard in Witherbloom. This will likely become a 4/4 in quite a few games. Overgrown Arch looks great with this card!
Karok Wrangler
Karok Wrangler - 2.5 - A bit expensive for what you get at first. With a few cheaper spells that either draw cards or Learn I am happy enough to play this.
Leyline Invocation
Leyline Invocation - 2 / 3 - We always see big 6/6s for 6 mana and they are always fine for a curve topper when nothing better is available. This has some slight upside because it is in a format with heavy ramp, so later in the game this might be even bigger.
Mage Duel
Mage Duel - 3.5 - This is a great fight spell, even for 3 mana. Getting to cast it for one is just icing. I would be willing to run more than one of these when possible.
Master Symmetrist
Master Symmetrist - 3.5 - This 4-mana 4/4 has a lot of keywords on it. This makes many of your other cards better as well. This is an uncommon to get excited about.
Overgrown Arch
Overgrown Arch - 2 / 3 - This Wall is playable in any Green deck. It slows more aggressive decks and replaces itself when no longer needed. It really starts to shine when paired with any of the Witherbloom themes.
Professor of Zoomancy
Professor of Zoomancy - 3 - Coming into play with a second body is great in Witherbloom - So many of their cards require sacrifice and lifegain. Even without those synergy payoffs in Witherbloom this is still worth the cost for the stats. I would also like to say that I am happy this bear is not getting punched or suplexed!
Reckless Amplimancer
Reckless Amplimancer - 2 - Another curve filler with a late game mana sink. It is a bit expensive but will be relevant enough to make it playable.
Scurrid Colony
Scurrid Colony - 2.5 - This "bear" has some late game upside. Any card that can be played early but becomes more impactful when drawn later in the game is always welcome in my decks. It is also very cute, so that might be messing with my judgment a bit.
Spined Karok
Spined Karok - 2 - A reasonable 3-drop to bring in against more aggressive decks. It matches up against the 3/2 Lorehold Spirit tokens very well. Never excited to play this big booty, but I am sure I will at some point.
Springmane Cervin
Springmane Cervin - 2 - This creature is a curve filler in most decks, but there is some upside with cards like Accomplished Alchemist and Brackish Trudge. I like this more than in most other formats, but still not exciting.
Tangletrap - 1 - A good sideboard card to pick up when there are no cards for the main deck.
Verdant Mastery
Verdant Mastery - 1 - An extremely expensive ramp spell does not have much playability in Limited. I doubt this will see much play.

Top 3 Green Commons

  1. Mage Duel
  2. Professor of Zoomancy
  3. Field Trip


Environmental Science
Environmental Science - 2.5 - This is a great lesson to have access to. It helps to ensure you hit your land drops while also fixing any mana issues you might be having. It is also a free card when Learned - What's not to like?
Expanded Anatomy
Expanded Anatomy - 2.5 - Typically these cards are strong but too susceptible to removal. Getting to grab this from the sideboard for free will mitigate many of the risks associated with this type of card. Worth picking up if the deck has any Learn spells.
Introduction to Annihilation
Introduction to Annihilation - 3 - As long as the Learn spell cast to get this out of the sideboard has value on its own, this is great to have access to. On its own it is card disadvantage, but if grabbed for free it is more than worth it as extremely flexible removal.
Introduction to Prophecy
Introduction to Prophecy - 2.5 - Having access to this in the sideboard will help smooth draws and provide card advantage. This spell is slightly better than cycling and it wouldn't be worth running if it wasn't a Lesson.
Mascot Exhibition
Mascot Exhibition - 3.5 - I love that this mythic can be played in any deck. It is a bit expensive but won't create awkward opening hands because it is in the sideboard. Being able to grab late game cards when they can be cast is amazing.


Biblioplex Assistant
Biblioplex Assistant - 2 - A bit expensive for the creature and ability, but with a few powerful spells I would consider playing this if there is room in the deck.
Campus Guide
Campus Guide - 2.5 - Typically only interested in playing this when the deck is three or more colors. This even gives flexibility when opening hands are missing a main color. It is great that a Colorless 2-drop can get any color not drawn.
Codie, Vociferous Codex
Codie, Vociferous Codex - 1 - Never getting to cast permanent spells is far too restrictive to make this playable in Limited. There are a fair amount of spells that make tokens, but you are unlikely to have enough to make Codie viable.
Cogwork Archivist
Cogwork Archivist - 2 - A bit expensive but offers some synergy when needed. Decks are never excited to play this, but it will see some play in the board for Reach or as a reluctant top end.
Excavated Wall
Excavated Wall - 1 - No amount of graveyard synergy will get me to play this card.
Letter of Acceptance
Letter of Acceptance - 2.5 - This artifact does a lot. It ramps, fixes, and replaces itself later in the game when no longer needed. There is little downside to running this when needed.
Reflective Golem
Reflective Golem - 2 - This creature fills the curve when needed and it comes with a bit of upside if the deck has a few combat tricks.
Spell Satchel
Spell Satchel - 1 - No deck wants to run this card. Even a spell heavy deck would need to cast 6 instant and sorcery spells before they start to see any value. Not something that will see any play in Limited.
Strixhaven Stadium
Strixhaven Stadium - 1.5 - Strixhaven Stadium ramps a bit in a deck that needs it while also offering an alternate win condition. It is unlikely the win condition will ever work out before the game concludes itself naturally, so I am more inclined to run Letter of Acceptance when needing this sort of mana ability.
Team Pennant
Team Pennant - 2.5 - The equip cost is a bit more than I typically want to play (without the added bonus of creating its own token that is), but it does offer a lot of keywords. Creature heavy decks can consider playing this if they generate a reasonable number of tokens.
Zephyr Boots
Zephyr Boots - 3 - Normal flying artifacts are unplayable. It seems like Wizards overcorrected by making this one really strong. Giving both flying and looting is a nasty combination that any deck wants to play.


Access Tunnel
Access Tunnel - 3 - Any deck that doesn't have a difficult/greedy mana base will love this card. It allows a more aggressive deck the ability to close out games, and it is a great way to end a board stall.
Archway Commons
Archway Commons - 2 - Only playable in decks with three colors or more. Many of the gold cards are extremely powerful, so using cards like this to splash a sister school's cards will often be worth it.
The Biblioplex
The Biblioplex - 2.5 - Late game this can be a great way to remove lands from your deck and gain card advantage. Colorless mana can be tough to run in decks with a difficult mana base, so be careful when considering The Biblioplex.
Frostboil Snarl
Frostboil Snarl - 2.5 - The rare land cycle is actually worse for Limited than the common one. That said, picking them up early allows a deck to have more splash options as the draft goes on. Smoothing the mana base is still great in any deck.
Furycalm Snarl
Furycalm Snarl - 2.5 - The rare land cycle is actually worse for Limited than the common one. That said, picking them up early allows a deck to have more splash options as the draft goes on. Smoothing the mana base is still great in any deck.
Hall of Oracles
Hall of Oracles - 3 - Hall of Oracles is good in any deck. It offers mana filtering in decks with more than two colors and it offers a small stat advantage over the course of the game.
Lorehold Campus
Lorehold Campus - 3 - Lands that smooth / allow splashing more powerful cards are always welcome. The late game repeatable scry is so much better than its rare counterpart.
Necroblossom Snarl
Necroblossom Snarl - 2.5 - The rare land cycle is actually worse for Limited than the common one. That said, picking them up early allows a deck to have more splash options as the draft goes on. Smoothing the mana base is still great in any deck.
Prismari Campus
Prismari Campus - 3 - Lands that smooth / allow splashing more powerful cards are always welcome. The late game repeatable scry is so much better than its rare counterpart.
Quandrix Campus
Quandrix Campus - 3 - Lands that smooth / allow splashing more powerful cards are always welcome. The late game repeatable scry is so much better than its rare counterpart.
Shineshadow Snarl
Shineshadow Snarl - 2.5 - The rare land cycle is actually worse for Limited than the common one. That said, picking them up early allows a deck to have more splash options as the draft goes on. Smoothing the mana base is still great in any deck.
Silverquill Campus
Silverquill Campus - 3 - Lands that smooth / allow splashing more powerful cards are always welcome. The late game repeatable scry is so much better than its rare counterpart.
Vineglimmer Snarl
Vineglimmer Snarl - 2.5 - The rare land cycle is actually worse for Limited than the common one. That said, picking them up early allows a deck to have more splash options as the draft goes on. Smoothing the mana base is still great in any deck.
Witherbloom Campus
Witherbloom Campus - 3 - Lands that smooth / allow splashing more powerful cards are always welcome. The late game repeatable scry is so much better than its rare counterpart.

We have officially finished looking at all of the Mono-colored cards. Overall, they feel a bit underwhelming, but that is to be expected in a format built around schools and color pairs. This means tomorrow's Multicolored article should be back with haymakers!

These articles are used for the draft ratings on Untapped.gg, and because of this we will be updating them periodically with new information and insight. Comments and discussions help me improve the articles and provide the best information for both other readers and Untapped.gg. So please feel free to comment below and give me your thoughts.

Thank you for reading. See you tomorrow!

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