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Streets of New Capenna Limited Set Review: Green and Colorless


This article is the third of four, and in it I will be evaluating every Green and Colorless card - scoring them on a scale of 1-5. These ratings are purely based on Limited formats and have no bearing on Constructed play. I would also like to note these ratings are based on how I believe the card will perform in an AVERAGE Sealed or Draft deck. Often this means a lower score for cards with great potential in a highly synergistic deck.

Rating - Explanation

1- Ideally not making the cut in any of my Limited decks.

2- Not good, but a necessity for curve filling and smoothing out draws.

3- Value cards I am happy to fill my deck with.

4- Cards to get excited about and Premium Removal.

5- Reserved for cards that will win the game if left unanswered.


Attended Socialite
Attended Socialite - 2 - Creature heavy decks tend to be more aggressive and like to run 2-drops like this. These little guys can put out a lot of damage very quickly, especially on the play.
Bootleggers' Stash
Bootleggers' Stash - 1 / 2.5 - Once the deck makes it to 6 mana it becomes a lot less likely any more treasures are needed. There are a few uncommon payoff cards for making extra treasures throughout the game and those might make this worth playing.
Bouncer's Beatdown
Bouncer's Beatdown - 3.5 - We have seen a few punch spells in the past year and this is by far the best one. Bouncer's Beatdown is a lot less likely to get 2-for-1ed because they cannot just kill the creature in response. There will be times where there are no other creatures, or it's too small to still work, but it definitely limits the risk.
Broken Wings
Broken Wings - 2 - Typically I am not a fan of running Broken Wings in the main deck, but this format has a decent number of fliers as well as a cycle of Ascendancies and several solid vehicles. The chances of finding a good target for this is much higher than the average set.
Cabaretti Initiate
Cabaretti Initiate - 1.5 - With so few +1/+1 counters in the format I am a lot less likely to run this small double striker. The potential power is far too limited in SNC. Keep in mind this racoon is a citizen and can definitely make a difference for the right deck.
Caldaia Strongarm
Caldaia Strongarm - 2.5 - Five-mana 4/5s are rather common in Limited. The Blitz is what interests me most here. Getting to put 2 +1/+1 counters on another creature and draw a card after combat seems like great value.
Capenna Express
Capenna Express - 2.5 - This is a larger vehicle for not a ton of mana. The more creatures and treasures the deck has, the better this will be.
Civic Gardener
Civic Gardener - 2.5 - Getting to cast Civic Gardener on the play makes it reasonable to assume turn three or four might be double spell turns. This can make a deck very aggressive. It also allows you to play creatures pre-combat and still hold open pump spells in the early game. Cards like For the Family will work very well with our gardener.
Cleanup Crew
Cleanup Crew - 3 - Every deck needs a top end. 6-mana 6/6 creatures are always playable in limited (Colossal Dreadmaw anyone?) and it has a nice modal bonus attached to it. Overall, a solid card.
Courier's Briefcase
Courier's Briefcase - 1.5 / 3 - A 1/1 and a one-time ramp effect for 2 mana is pretty uninspiring but not awful, and the creature is a relevant type as a Citizen. Where this card shines though is in treasure decks, as cashing this plus a couple other treasures in for 3 cards is a great way to refill your hand.
Elegant Entourage
Elegant Entourage - 3 - This solid 4-drop is great on curve and helps to keep pressure high in the following turns. WIth cards like Freelance Muscle in the format there will be lots of great targets to pump with this.
Evolving Door
Evolving Door - 1 / 3 - Getting to upgrade all of the monocolored 2-drops into the deck's best multicolored cards seems like a lot of value. My issue with this card is that it would take at least 5 premium multicolored cards to make it worth playing, and at that point the deck is likely so good that this is still not worth playing. We will see how well this ends up playing...
Fight Rigging
Fight Rigging - 3 - Getting to 7 power will take some time, and you might not ever get there. This is a slow snowball card that is a horrible draw if already behind on the board. Definitely playable but I would take a premium removal spell over this rare any day.
For the Family
For the Family - 2 - Only 1 mana for a pump spell means it will be rather tough for an opponent to play around, and that has some value in and of itself. Overall, a bit too low impact to get excited about but definitely playable.
Freelance Muscle
Freelance Muscle - 3.5 - The more I play with Freelance Muscle the more I like it. I can't believe this card says attacking AND blocking. This guy is seriously a game winning uncommon. Pair this with an Elegant Entourage and you will be unstoppable.
Gala Greeters
Gala Greeters - 3.5 - I love everything about Gala Greeters. This 2-drop does everything you want Green to do. Having ramp, flixing, and the ability to race is more than enough to make this a first pickable card.
Glittermonger - 2.5 - There are a few big treasure payoff cards, but even without them getting to make a treasure each turn is still worth playing. I can't wait to play this with Jinnie Fay, Jetmir's Second and make all the dog tokens!
High-Rise Sawjack
High-Rise Sawjack - 3 - A creature that is above rate is always nice to fill a curve. High-Rise Sawjack also has sneaky reach, and you will be surprised how much value that can have,
Jewel Thief
Jewel Thief - 3.5 - Jewel Thief is one of the best commons in the format. With the two keywords this creature is well above rate and it can ramp and fix your mana base. This thief has 100% stolen my heart.
Luxurious Libation
Luxurious Libation - 3 - This is a combat trick with some flair. This spell scales well and even gives a bonus creature that has a relevant creature type. Happy to play at least one of these in any Green deck.
Most Wanted
Most Wanted - 1.5 - Getting to flash in an aura means it plays a lot more like a combat trick that has some upside. This makes it more playable than it otherwise would be. I will still likely cut this from most decks.
Prizefight - 3.5 - Green always has at least one fight spell. Getting to cast this at instant speed makes it a lot easier to find a safe place to cast it and not get 2-for-1ed. The bonus treasure token will help a lot to either ramp into big Green creatures or help with the treasure subtheme we see in the set.
Rhox Pummeler
Rhox Pummeler - 2 - Shield tokens are neat, but a 6/3 is not something I want to pay 6-mana for. There will be better top end cards for most decks.
Riveteers Decoy
Riveteers Decoy - 2.5 - This is a solid curve filler that can trade up reasonably often. Creature heavy decks will be happy to have a few of these aggressive 2-drops.
Social Climber
Social Climber - 2 - With so little lifegain synergy in the format Social Climber will have to settle for middle class. This is a solid curve filler that can help you pull ahead in some racing situations.
Take to the Streets
Take to the Streets - 2.5 - Creature heavy decks will want to run one of these as a finisher. This is only playable once your deck has 14+ creatures.
Titan of Industry
Titan of Industry - 5 - This mythic hits like... like a building. With the amount of treasures in Green getting to 7-mana shouldn't be an issue.
Topiary Stomper
Topiary Stomper - 3.5 - Can we take a moment to appreciate how cool this creature is... A PLANT DINOSAUR! What is this, a game of Smash Up? In all seriousness Topiary Stomper is a solid way to ramp and fix your mana base while also getting a solid creature a few turns later. Overall solid rare.
Venom Connoisseur
Venom Connoisseur - 2.5 - This bear has great upside for any deck running a lot of little creatures. With any token generation this 2-drop will be a game changer.
Vivien on the Hunt
Vivien on the Hunt - 5 - Vivien can add a lot of stats to the board very quickly. She protects herself by creating creatures and can gain card advantage over time. This is certainly a card I hope not to see on the other side of the board.
Voice of the Vermin
Voice of the Vermin - 2 - The most aggressive decks will be happy to play this four-mana 2/2 but the average deck will likely pick something more consistent.
Warm Welcome

Warm Welcome - 2 - Getting a bonus citizen makes this worth playing in any creature heavy deck. This will likely never be a card I am actively searching for, but with a few good creatures to dig for this can be a good card to pick up late.
Workshop Warchief
Workshop Warchief - 4.5 - Workshop Warchief reminds me a lot of Thragtusk. Five mana for 9/7 worth of stats split between two bodies is a lot of value. Definitely an exciting rare.

Top 3 Green Commons

  1. Jewel Thief
  2. Prizefight
  3. High-Rise Sawjack


Arc Spitter
Arc Spitter - 1.5 - No matter how interesting I think Arc Spitter is, I still can't seem to think of a good reason to play it regularly. When short on playables this would be a fine 23rd playable card, but likely it would only be used out of the sideboard for long grindy games.
Brass Knuckles
Brass Knuckles - 1 - This is an interesting design for an equipment, but it's a shame it's not in a set with good equipment. I will likely never cast this card.
Cement Shoes
Cement Shoes - 1 - Three consecutive fairly terrible equipment. Though they have some cool flavor with the set they are largely unplayable.
Chrome Cat
Chrome Cat - 2.5 - Having castable spells on curve is always important, and Chrome Cat helps with this by being easy to cast and smoothing out card draw. Overall, this is a solid 3-drop.
Getaway Car
Getaway Car - 3.5 - Having the option to return a creature to hand is really nice. Getting to cast an Inspiring Overseer multiple times is the kind of value I live for.
Gilded Pinions
Gilded Pinions - 1.5 - With a few big Green creatures in the deck this might be a decent filler card. Ideally the deck will have better options.
Halo Scarab
Halo Scarab - 2 - Two-mana 2/1s are rarely exciting, but this one trades well and it is easy to cast in a three color format. There is also some fixing attached that synergizes well with the Gruul treasure sub theme seen throughout the set.
Luxior, Giada's Gift
Luxior, Giada's Gift - 1 - No matter how cool this equipment is there just isn't a great home for it in Limited. Getting to put this onto Planeswalkers in Constructed will be fun though!
Ominous Parcel
Ominous Parcel - 3.5 - Even though the rate is a little high on each ability it is very flexible. Colorless fixing and removal will always be playable in my book.
Paragon of Modernity
Paragon of Modernity - 2 - Paragon of Modernity is an awkward card. This certainly has the ability to win long games, but will likely fall short in any faster game. I can see playing this and aggressively taking it out or keeping it in the sideboard until the speed of the game is known.
Quick-Draw Dagger
Quick-Draw Dagger - 2.5 - Quick-Draw Dagger is built like a combat trick that leaves something on the battlefield. Once this on field it has reasonably low impact, but it has already done its job by already trading up in combat or stopping a burn spell from killing a creature.
Scuttling Butler
Scuttling Butler - 3 - Scuttling Butler is a great card in the right deck. With 6+ multicolored cards in the deck I would consider this above filler.
Suspicious Bookcase
Suspicious Bookcase - 1.5 - Anytime a deck is short on 2-drops these defenders are worth throwing in. They can stop a more aggressive deck from running you over, and can help give a little reach in the late game.
Unlicensed Hearse
Unlicensed Hearse - 3.5 - I believe Unlicensed Hearse will be good in Limited and great in Constructed. There is less graveyard interaction in this format that we have had in more recent sets, but there is still some. This will be a large creature with some solid upside against Dimir decks.


Botanical Plaza
Botanical Plaza - 3 - It is not uncommon for Limited games to become a late game top deck war, and this is why lands with built in abilities or card draw are so valuable. These tapped lands are mana when you need them and offer amazing value late in the game when they are no longer needed.
Brokers Hideout
Brokers Hideout - 2 - Evolving Wilds are always nice to have. Sadly, this can only fetch specific colors but they have so many of them they will come around often enough. Consider playing these even when they only have two colors that match the deck.
Cabaretti Courtyard
Cabaretti Courtyard - 2 - Evolving Wilds are always nice to have. Sadly this can only fetch specific colors but they have so many of them they will come around often enough. Consider playing these even when they only have two colors that match the deck.
Jetmir's Garden
Jetmir's Garden - 3 - The nice thing about three-color lands is that they do not need to be in decks that match all three colors. Fixing for two colors and having the bonus cycle ability is more than enough to get excited about in this three-color format.
Maestros Theater
Maestros Theater - 2 - Evolving Wilds are always nice to have. Sadly this can only fetch specific colors but they have so many of them they will come around often enough. Consider playing these even when they only have two colors that match the deck.
Obscura Storefront
Obscura Storefront - 2 - Evolving Wilds are always nice to have. Sadly this can only fetch specific colors but they have so many of them they will come around often enough. Consider playing these even when they only have two colors that match the deck.
Racers' Ring
Racers' Ring - 3 - It is not uncommon for Limited games to become a late game top deck war, and this is why lands with built in abilities or card draw are so valuable. These tapped lands are mana when you need them and offer amazing value late in the game when they are no longer needed.
Raffine's Tower
Raffine's Tower - 3 - The nice thing about three-color lands is that they do not need to be in decks that match all three colors. Fixing for two colors and having the bonus cycle ability is more than enough to get excited about in this three-color format.
Riveteers Overlook
Riveteers Overlook - 2 - Evolving Wilds are always nice to have. Sadly, this can only fetch specific colors but they have so many of them they will come around often enough. Consider playing these even when they only have two colors that match the deck.
Skybridge Towers
Skybridge Towers - 3 - It is not uncommon for Limited games to become a late game top deck war, and this is why lands with built in abilities or card draw are so valuable. These tapped lands are mana when you need them and offer amazing value late in the game when they are no longer needed.
Spara's Headquarters
Spara's Headquarters - 3 - The nice thing about three-color lands is that they do not need to be in decks that match all three colors. Fixing for two colors and having the bonus cycle ability is more than enough to get excited about in this three-color format.
Tramway Station
Tramway Station - 3 - It is not uncommon for Limited games to become a late game top deck war, and this is why lands with built in abilities or card draw are so valuable. These tapped lands are mana when you need them and offer amazing value late in the game when they are no longer needed.
Waterfront District
Waterfront District - 3 - It is not uncommon for Limited games to become a late game top deck war, and this is why lands with built in abilities or card draw are so valuable. These tapped lands are mana when you need them and offer amazing value late in the game when they are no longer needed.
Xander's Lounge
Xander's Lounge - 3 - The nice thing about three color lands is that they do not need to be in decks that match all three colors. Fixing for two colors and having the bonus cycle ability is more than enough to get excited about in this three-color format.
Ziatora's Proving Ground
Ziatora's Proving Ground - 3 - The nice thing about three-color lands is that they do not need to be in decks that match all three colors. Fixing for two colors and having the bonus cycle ability is more than enough to get excited about in this three-color format.

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