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CoolStuffInc.com Articles
  • Max Sjoeblom

    Ravnica Block Sealed & Modern Masters

    Max shares how cracked the Ravnica Block Sealed code, yet finds Modern Masters Limited a little lacking.
  • guest

    Building Multicolored Mana Bases in DGR Limited

    If you've found mana trickier in Draft and Sealed recently, Danny has a simple system to help you sort it out.
  • Nassim Ketita

    Dragon's Maze as She Is Drafted

    What does a distracted, Ravnica-loving Canadian see in Dragon's Maze Limited? Nassim shows you things through his eyes.
  • Carlos Gutierrez

    Duels Screenshots, M14 Spoilers!

    This announcement regarding Duels 2014 includes screenshots, Slivers, and Sealed deck!
  • Blake Rasmussen

    Dragon's Maze First Impressions

    From a busted Sealed pool to the best cards for Standard, Blake has his eyes on everything new.
  • Inside the Deck

    How to Build a Sealed

    Rich Castle teamed up with Nate Holt, of Walking the Planes fame, to share how you can build a Sealed deck.
  • Max Sjoeblom

    Grand Prix Utrecht

    The main event may not have gone the way Max had hoped, but there was still plenty of Magic to be played. Follow his adventures in Grand Prix Utrecht!
  • Carlos Gutierrez

    Team Sweden Smashes Utrecht

    Out of a field of almost 700 teams, Team Habo from Sweden emerges victorious!
  • Max Sjoeblom

    Team Limited with Gatecrash

    Gearing up for Team Limited? Max looks inside what it will take with Gatecrash in the mix.
  • Adam Styborski

    Kitayama Crashes in Yokohama

    Masaya Kitayama extorted his way to victory at Grand Prix Yokohama.
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