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CoolStuffInc.com Articles
  • Magic Mics

    Role Play

    Join Evan, Reuben, and PowrDragn as they discuss all the latest Magic news!
  • Michael Flores

    No Bankbuster? No Problem!

    Reckoner Bankbuster's banning left a hole in many Standard decks, so Mike Flores is looking into how decks are replacing it!
  • Jay Annelli

    Preparing for Wilds of Eldraine

    Wilds of Eldraine will soon be upon us, so Jay is here to catch you up to speed on the story!
  • Dial H for Heroclix

    Dial H for Heroclix Episode 478: Crack the Case of Krispy Kremes

    A podcast bringing you up-to-date information about the game of Heroclix and other nerd-related content!
  • Casual Magic

    Casual Magic Episodes 184 and 185

    It's a Casual Magic Double Header as Shivam talks with SK Altered and TheHermitDruid!
  • Jim Davis

    Burn It All Down? A Deep Dive On The Modern Banlist: Part One

    Jim takes an in-depth look at the Modern Banlist to figure out what truly deserves to banned in the current format!
  • Magic Mics

    30 for 30

    Join Evan, Reuben, and PowrDragn as they discuss all the latest Magic news!
  • Michael Flores

    Off-Meta Options for Pioneer

    Pioneer isn't exactly the sea of sameness some folks assume it is, and Mike Flores has some options for those looking for a little deviation from the norm!
  • Dial H for Heroclix

    Dial H for Heroclix 477: Gencon US Nationals Wrap Up!

    A podcast bringing you up-to-date information about the game of Heroclix and other nerd-related content!
  • Magic Mics

    The Malonening

    Join Evan, Reuben, and PowrDragn as they discuss all the latest Magic news!
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