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CoolStuffInc.com Articles
  • Brandon Isleib

    5 Decks You'll Play This Weekend

    Kaladesh Standard continues to take shape, and Brandon has five decks you'll see this weekend.
  • Brandon Isleib

    5 Decks You'll Play This Weekend

    Kaladesh Standard isn't just all Vehicles, and Brandon has five decks you might play this weekend.
  • Brandon Isleib

    5 Decks You'll Play This Weekend

    The Kaladesh Pre-Release is over, and Brandon has five decks he saw last weekend.
  • Brandon Isleib

    5 Things to Think About Kaladesh this Weekend

    Kaladesh brings a lot to the table, and Brandon's here with five big things to think about.
  • Brandon Isleib

    5 Decks You'll Play This Weekend

    It's a whirlwind tour of Standard, Modern, and Conspiracy! No matter what your format of choice, Brandon's got a deck for you.
  • Brandon Isleib

    5 Decks You'll Play this Weekend

    Fresh off of Game Day and GP Portland, Brandon's here with five decks you'll play this weekend.
  • Brandon Isleib

    5 Decks You'll Play this Weekend

    Brandon has 5 decks he thinks will show up at the Pro Tour this weekend. Take a look!
  • Brandon Isleib

    5 Decks You'll Play This Weekend

    Brandon hits the ground running with five decks you'll see in new Standard this weekened.
  • Brandon Isleib

    Seven Year Eldr-itch

    It's brew-thirty and Brandon is ready to attack the meta with new Eldritch Moon-fueled ideas!
  • Brandon Isleib

    5 Decks Emrakul Wants to Devour

    Emrakul looms as Standard preps itself for Eldritch Moon! What does the Legendary Eldrazi have in store?
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