Magic: The Gathering - Bloomburrow available today!


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Magic: The Gathering - Bloomburrow available today!
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CoolStuffInc.com Articles
  • Carlos Gutierrez

    Fire and Blood

    It's time to do some burninating with today's Standard decklist!
  • Carlos Gutierrez

    Flavor of the Meek

    It's time to show your opponents that good things come in small packages with today's Standard decklist!
  • Carlos Gutierrez

    Blossoming Ideas

    It's time to pick up the pace of the game with today's Legacy decklist!
  • Carlos Gutierrez

    Rise of the Machines

    Robot's are declaring war with today's Legacy decklist!
  • Carlos Gutierrez

    Faerie Unfair

    Time to bust out some old tribal synergies using some new twists with today's Modern decklist!
  • Carlos Gutierrez

    Telling Secrets

    Secrets might not make you friends but they will crush your foes with today's Modern decklist!
  • Carlos Gutierrez

    Lifting Your Spirits

    Put up some surprisingly tangible wins with today's Modern decklist!
  • Carlos Gutierrez

    Come Crawling Back

    Take advantage of new cards and a new ban list with today's Legacy decklist!
  • Carlos Gutierrez

    Sold on Unsealing

    Show your opponents that no sealing can hold you with today's Standard decklist!
  • Carlos Gutierrez

    Better Off Undead

    Show your opponents that what is dead can never die with today's Standard decklist!
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