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Chosen One - The Magic of a Single Card


LeafBefore we begin, let us slap a warning label on this column.  We won't be discussing Magic 2010 in any detail.  There won't be any tournament deck ideas for the monetarily challenged or super-combos you never saw coming.  This is about deck building.  However, this is also about a moment unique to Magic, a moment that every player should have.  No matter the experience level or skill, whether you're a Jimmy or a Spike.  So in the absence of spoilers, here instead is a banner every casual duelist can rally around.

[caption id="attachment_3022" align="alignright" width="121" caption="for some cards, this is the only reaction"]for some cards, this is the only reaction[/caption]

A few months back, around the time the internet was buzzing with the sound of an 'all-gold' Alara expansion we held a draft with the principal members of our play group.  Some precursory explanations on our draft style.  We go casual, even in sealed tournament-style games.  Meaning, in this case, three booster of any set we cared to buy from our local card shop.  As you can imagine, that makes for some real surprises when the packs are opened.  One such surprise came from Reinhart's side of the table as he unwrapped the group's first ever Darksteel Colossus.  As soon as I saw it I knew it had to be mine.  Through means nefarious and otherwise I was able to pry the card from Reinhart's collection and there it was.  Mine.

It was only after that moment that the epiphany came.  I felt  like the Joker explaining how he "chases the car, even though he wouldn't know what to do with it if he caught it."  The Colossus was mine, but I had no clue what deck I would put it in.  None.  At last we come to the heart of the issue.  I knew I had to make a deck out of this card.  Had to, even if it wasn't going to be competitive.  Some way or some how I was making this work.

This is a cornerstone of Magic.  The idea that we can fall in love with more than just the concept of winning.  That each individual card could hold that spark that ignites the next decklist.  For some, it happened way back in the early nineties opening their first Shivan Dragon or Force of Nature.  Still more had the moment finding a card like Warp World and Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker in the back-end of a booster.  These cards are more than simply rules text.  As cheesy as it may sound, they are inspiration.  The kind you can only find in a game like MTG.  That inspiration is part of what keeps us playing.

[caption id="attachment_3035" align="alignright" width="126" caption="our destiny awaits"]your destiny awaits[/caption]

In the end, the deck I created was mono-green with various ways (mana accel, Elvish Piper, even Hypergenesis) of getting my Darksteel buddy onto the battlefield as quickly as possible.  You know what?  The deck is still one of my favorite to play in a casual environment.  The reason being maybe, just maybe I'll get to see an 11/11 looking up at me from where I placed it on the table.

How about you my fellow casual player?  What are some examples of life-altering cards you just knew you had to play?  I am not talking about Cryptic Command and Mutavault here, cards that are just plain awesome.  I mean cards with charisma.  Maybe not a game winner every time, but something that makes you smile when its in your opening hand.  Or nod with glee after a timely top-deck.  My Colossus is dear to me sure, but I want to hear the stories and about your cards.  After all this is our banner to rally around.

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Keep in mind, Magic 2010 spoiler season is in full-swing.  New cards are announced and posted every day and it will only speed up as the release date approaches.  For all the latest updates, card lists and analysis keep your browser locked in to the Gathering Magic spoilers page.  If the rules changes are still stuck in your craw, feel free to relieve your frustrations on the Gathering Magic Forum, or comment on them here.  Alright self, enough shameless promotion already!

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