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Treasure Hunt, July 29


Greetings and salutations to you, my ever-faithful Treasure Hunt readers. Mike Robles here once again to bring you the most interesting of Imgur, the raddest of Reddit, and the wildest of the web. As the summer heat continues to beat down, the Magic: The Gathering community is still creating amazing content that I have gathered here in one place for you. So, let’s dig in, shall we? Of course we shall.

Hey, Kid . . . CATCH!

Source: Good Gamery

Everyone has to have seen the Mean Joe Green Coca-Cola commercial at least once in their lifetimes, right? It’s one of those iconic commercials that has been parodied over and over again. I’m actually surprised that it took this long to see a Magic: The Gathering parody of it. I’ll admit I did not see that ending coming. I thought maybe MaRo would throw one of his iconic flannel shirts or t-shirts. Believe me, though: This ending was so unexpected, and I got a great laugh out of it.

Family Bonding

Source: Imgur

If you’ve been reading my articles, you know that I can’t wait to start a family. It’s going to be amazing. While I’m not sure how old this baby is, it’s pretty obvious that it came into this world very recently. I adore the fact that one of the first interactions this baby experiences is playing a game of Magic: The Gathering. Welcome to the multiverse, little planeswalker; I hope you enjoy your stay.

Chibi Garruk

Source: Deviant Art

Speaking of adorable, look at this guy! I mean seriously. Veil curse or not, you take one look at this little guy, and you’re like, “Aww! Who’s a little caller of beasts?” How could anyone be scared of this little chibi Garruk? He even has cute beasties to bring along with him! I hope to see more chibi planeswalkers like this. They’re adorable.

Knitted Jace

Source: Pinterest

More cuteness! That’s it. I’m just going to start calling this article “Cute Overload – Magic: The Gathering Edition” from now on. Seriously, this little mind sculptor is freaking adorable! It’s like if Sackboy started going to conventions cosplaying Jace. I love it.

The Adventures of Sensei's Divining Top and Null Rod

Source: Placebo

Sometimes, the simplest joke is the best. Placebo has some great stories and mini-arcs that are really funny. This one, though . . . this one cracked me up. Again, the beauty of this strip is how you can see a story in just two frames. It’s similar in a way to the double-faced cards from Innistrad, wherein we saw two frames of a story.

Magic Minute

In this fast-paced world, we don’t have time to sit down and listen to the lore of a new set. We just ask around for the CliffsNotes and get caught up when we can. Here comes Magic Minute to fix all of that for us! Need to know the story of Return to Ravnica but don’t have the time to read all three books of The Secretist? BAM! Magic Minute. Need to know everything about all ten maze runners? BAM! Magic Minute. Need to know every single episode of Rosanne that Mark Rosewater ever worked on? BAM!

Magic Minute.

Metaphor for Life

Sketchy Doodles is back with another quick sketch, this time featuring Liliana and Jace. The two are seen here together while their pets meet. If you could call Jace’s kitty illusion a pet, that is. Click the source link to read the full comic. It’s well worth it.

Tweets for the Week









I have one final note before I say my goodbye for the week. Because it’s my job to bring you the most awesome things on the Internet, I must tell you about GatheringMagic’s two new social media sites!

Be sure to follow all our awesome pins on:

. . . and our sweet, sweet blogs and content on:

That’s going to do it for this week’s Treasure Hunt. As usual, I’m always on the lookout for great community creations. Be sure to tweet me if you ever find something you think should be included in my article. Until next week, this is Mike Robles, and before I head out, I want to give you a glimpse of what it looks like when I’m doing my Treasure Hunt searches. Lets’ take a look at this Tumblr graph.

Every. Frakkin’. Week.

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