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Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Limited Set Review: Green and Lands


Welcome back to day three of our Kamigawa Limited Set Review.

This article is the third of four, and in it I will be evaluating every Green and Land card - scoring them on a scale of 1-5. These ratings are purely based on Limited formats and have no bearing on Constructed play. I would also like to note these ratings are based on how I believe the card will perform in an AVERAGE Sealed or Draft deck. Often this means a lower score for cards with great potential in a highly synergistic deck.

Rating - Explanation

1- Ideally not making the cut in any of my Limited decks.

2- Not good, but a necessity for curve filling and smoothing out draws.

3- Value cards I am happy to fill my deck with.

4- Cards to get excited about and Premium Removal.

5- Reserved for cards that will win the game if left unanswered.


Azusa's Many Journeys // Likeness of the Seeker
Azusa's Many Journeys // Likeness of the Seeker - 3 - Casting this on turn two means getting to ramp into 4 mana on turn three, and that is often a powerful slot for Green. After a few turns you also get a well above rate creature that synergizes well with everything Green wants to be doing.
Bamboo Grove Archer
Bamboo Grove Archer - 2.5 - Even though this creature has defender it still has a lot to offer. The channel ability is a nice bonus, but the reach itself will deal with most common and uncommon fliers. This creature trades well and helps slow down those more aggressive decks. This also combos well with another common - Guardians of Oboro.
Bearer of Memory
Bearer of Memory - 2.5 - Bearer of Memory is a well-rounded card that will likely make the cut in most Limited decks. The creature is a decent early drop when needed and offers a reasonable mana sink late to help break up late game stalls. Enchantment creatures and +1/+1 counters are exactly what Green wants to be doing.
Blossom Prancer
Blossom Prancer - 3 - Any time a solid creature can replace itself it is always worth playing. This spirit deer also has sneaky reach - never underestimate sneaky reach!
Boon of Boseiju
Boon of Boseiju - 2.5 - The power level on this card is extremely situational. Playing this in a creature heavy deck will always bring you some value. Definitely worth playing if the deck has space for it.
Boseiju Reaches Skyward // Branch of Boseiju
Boseiju Reaches Skyward // Branch of Boseiju - 3.5 - It is a little sad that this Saga can only get Forests, and chapter two is a bit of a dud. That said, extra land and big creatures is sort of the name of the game for Green, so this will still be more than playable.
Careful Cultivation
Careful Cultivation - 3 - Aura spells can be tricky to play. They often leave you vulnerable to getting 2-for-1. The flexibility on this one prevents most of that from happening. In all honesty playing this as a channel makes this worth playing on its own.
Coiling Stalker
Coiling Stalker - 2.5 - There is not a lot of support for Ninjas in Green but this little guy synergizes well with everything Green wants to be doing. Getting a few extra counters for modified synergy is a great ability to have.
Commune with Spirits
Commune with Spirits - 1.5 - Heavy enchantment decks might be interested in digging through their deck, but the average deck is not interested. Some three-color decks might consider this for fixing if needed.
The Dragon-Kami Reborn // Dragon-Kami's Egg
The Dragon-Kami Reborn // Dragon-Kami's Egg -1.5 - There is some cool stuff going on here, but it is not what I want to do in Limited. This Saga simply does not go enough to make it worth playing.
Fade into Antiquity
Fade into Antiquity - 2.5 - With the number of enchantments and artifacts in the format it would be reasonable to play one of these in the deck's original 40 cards. I would say getting three or more of these for the sideboard will always be good.
Fang of Shigeki
Fang of Shigeki - 2.5 - 1-mana deathtouch creatures are always worth playing. There are also two different punch spells in the format so keep an eye out for this little guy when playing those.
Favor of Jukai
Favor of Jukai - 2 - Another flexible aura spell. This one is a bit worse but will still see some play as a 23rd playable card. When an opponent shows little removal in Game 1 this will also be a decent card to bring in from the sideboard.
Generous Visitor
Generous Visitor - 3.5 - Generous Visitor is one of the cards I rated a fair amount lower the 1st time I looked at it. This is an archetype enabler and there is no shortage of enchantments to make this work. This adorable little creature gets out of control very quickly!
Geothermal Kami
Geothermal Kami - 2.5 - Typically a filler creature when the deck needs some, but there are a lot of Sagas and enchantment creatures in Green so I expect this to synergize well with what Green is trying to do. Overall, a decent card that will see a fair amount of play.
Go-Shintai of Boundless Vigor
Go-Shintai of Boundless Vigor - 3 - This is one of the few Shrines that is good on its own. All of them are fine alone, but this one is actively good. This is definitely worth playing in any Green deck.
Grafted Growth
Grafted Growth - 2 - This will see some play in Gruul where the +1/+1 counters will be the most important, but this is playable in any deck that needs ramp or fixing.
Greater Tanuki
Greater Tanuki - 2.5 - This creature is a nice curve topper that doesn't punish you for drawing it too early. It also allows you to have a slightly higher average mana cost in your deck as well. Overall, this is a solid creature that will see a decent amount of play.
Harmonious Emergence
Harmonious Emergence - 2 - The creature this aura makes is well above rate. It does make curving out and being aggressive a bit awkward sometimes, but the creature does have vigilance so most of the time it won't matter.
Heir of the Ancient Fang
Heir of the Ancient Fang - 2.5 - The power level on this card will depend on the amount of modifications the deck has. Casting this without the +1/+1 is just a filler 2, and with it, it is well above rate. The rating of 2.5 is assuming the deck has a medium amount of synergy.
Historian's Wisdom
Historian's Wisdom - 2 - With so many of the Aura spells having flexibility, this one feels a little underwhelming. If the deck has a reasonable amount of large creatures in it this will be a solid 23rd playable.
Invoke the Ancients
Invoke the Ancients - 3.5 - All of these Invoke spells are difficult to cast, but this one is one of the easier ones. There are a lot of Green mana dorks that will help you cast this. This is the only one I am likely to play a bunch of.
Jugan Defends the Temple // Remnant of the Rising Star
Jugan Defends the Temple // Remnant of the Rising Star - 5 - For only 3-mana this card is nuts! Jugan Defends the Temple // Remnant of the Rising Star does everything, it goes wide, it ramps, it builds, and after all that it turns into a game ending monster! I love everything about this card.
Jukai Preserver
Jukai Preserver - 3 - Green often gets 4-mana 4/4s and they are always worth playing. Getting to be an enchantment and double as a combat trick is a lot of upside as well. Every deck will be happy to run one or two of these.
Jukai Trainee
Jukai Trainee - 3 - At first glance this is just a bear with some upside, but there is actually a lot here. This creature is a relevant creature type and kicks butt in combat. Overall, a solid 2-drop.
Kami of Transience
Kami of Transience - 4 - Green is full of enchantments and Kami of Transience slots right into those decks. Good to play early and grow with each enchantment you play...but also fine to trade off since you can get it back from the graveyard later. A sticky threat that's hard to deal with unless you can exile it.
Kappa Tech-Wrecker
Kappa Tech-Wrecker - 3 - We got a Ninja Turtle! I am so glad it's good. Three-toughness deathtouchers make combat extremely difficult and there is a fair amount of upside here where it can act like a Naturalize when needed.
Kodama of the West Tree
Kodama of the West Tree - 3.5 - This creature is above rate on its own. The more the deck can modify its creatures the better it will be. With cards like Generous Visitor, this can end games very quickly.
Kura, the Boundless Sky
Kura, the Boundless Sky - 5 - Unlike the other mythic dragons this one really only has one ability we care about for Limited. On rare occasions the deck might need to get a splash color out of the deck, but most of the time we will just want to make a 5/5 or bigger creature. This is definitely going to win games.
March of Burgeoning Life
March of Burgeoning Life - 1 - This is the only March that is really unplayable in the format. Sadly, anytime a card mentions "same name" it loses any chance of being playable.
Master's Rebuke
Master's Rebuke - 4 - Each time we see a punch spell they seem to be getting better and better. two-mana for an instant speed spell makes it much easier to avoid being 2-for-1'd. Unlike the last few sets this one doesn't have any situational upside, but it really doesn't need it.
Orochi Merge-Keeper
Orochi Merge-Keeper - 3 - Mana dorks are always great. The floor is lower and the ceiling is higher than a typical Llanowar Elves, but with the amount of +1/+1 counters in Green there is very little downside to running it anyway.
Roaring Earth
Roaring Earth - 3 - This enchantment is good both early and late game. Green wants to get as many enchantments, modifiers, and creatures as possible - and this one does it all!
Season of Renewal
Season of Renewal - 3 - With the amount of sagas in Green, Season of Renewal will consistently be a source of card advantage. There are a fair amount of enchantment creatures as well so make sure to be on the look out for them if the deck is light on sagas.
Shigeki, Jukai Visionary
Shigeki, Jukai Visionary - 3.5 - I love that we get to cast this as a 2-drop and use it to ramp into a stronger channel ability later in the game. This is definitely slow, but it can win games.
Spinning Wheel Kick
Spinning Wheel Kick - 2.5 - Sorcery speed punch spells are tricky to play because they are vulnerable to being 2-for-1'd. Expensive ones like this even more so. Spinning Wheel Kick will lead to some blowouts - the question is on who?
Spring-Leaf Avenger
Spring-Leaf Avenger - 4.5 - I have no idea how one of the best ninjas in the format ended up being Green... I love everything about this card. The stats and ability are both top tier, and the art is amazing too.
Storyweave - 2.5 - Three-mana is higher than I typically want to play with my combat tricks. This one is rather flexible and leaves something on the board after so it's still good enough to make the cut.
Tales of Master Seshiro // Seshiro's Living Legacy
Tales of Master Seshiro // Seshiro's Living Legacy - 3.5 - Though this is a bit of a slow build it does represent 7/7 worth of stats for only 5 mana. This is an enchantment and helps with modified triggers in the color that cares about both. Overall, this is a very well rounded card.
Tamiyo's Safekeeping
Tamiyo's Safekeeping - 2.5 - Flexible combat tricks are always nice. This is similar enough to Snakeskin Veil and that was always a great addition to any Green deck.
Teachings of the Kirin // Kirin-Touched Orochi
Teachings of the Kirin // Kirin-Touched Orochi - 3 - This is definitely one of the hardest Sagas to evaluate. The stats and abilities it offers is good for its mana cost, it just doesn't attack well or offer any other bonuses. Overall this is a well-rounded Saga with low impact.
Weaver of Harmony
Weaver of Harmony - 4 - With so many enchantment creatures in the format this little lord is going to put in a lot of work. I can't wait to copy simple triggers like Spirited Companion for a ton of value.
Webspinner Cuff
Webspinner Cuff - 2.5 - In many formats a 1/4 with reach is just good enough. The Reconfigure cost is a bit high but it's not a bad bonus on an already playable card. Getting a free artifact will also help with the deck's overall synergies.

Top 3 Green Commons

  1. Master's Rebuke
  2. Tales of Master Seshiro // Seshiro's Living Legacy
  3. Jukai Preserver


Bloodfell Caves
Bloodfell Caves - 2.5 - Common dual lands are always nice to pick up when trying to splash a third color. I even pick these up over borderline playable cards in my colors to open up more possibilities later in the draft.
Blossoming Sands
Blossoming Sands - 2.5 - Common dual lands are always nice to pick up when trying to splash a third color. I even pick these up over borderline playable cards in my colors to open up more possibilities later in the draft.
Boseiju, Who Endures
Boseiju, Who Endures - 3.5 - With the number of enchantments and artifacts in the set this is sure to find a target. This is situational removal, but it takes the place of a Forest and can be run for free in any Green deck. Definitely one of the biggest hype cards for Constructed.
Dismal Backwater
Dismal Backwater - 2.5 - Common dual lands are always nice to pick up when trying to splash a third color. I even pick these up over borderline playable cards in my colors to open up more possibilities later in the draft.
Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire
Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire - 3.5 - For Limited this will be the best channel land in the cycle. Free removal spells are always welcome in my decks.
Jungle Hollow
Jungle Hollow - 2.5 - Common dual lands are always nice to pick up when trying to splash a third color. I even pick these up over borderline playable cards in my colors to open up more possibilities later in the draft.
Mech Hangar
Mech Hangar - 1 / 3 - Any vehicle deck will want to run this land. Having the option to use mana to crew rather than creatures means you will have more to attack with or something to block with.
Otawara, Soaring City
Otawara, Soaring City - 3 - Bounce spells always help with tempo and can create some neat blowout situations. This is likely one of the least impactful channel lands in the cycle but still worth playing for free.
Roadside Reliquary
Roadside Reliquary - 2.5 - Some upside in heavy enchantment decks with some late game card advantage. 10+ enchantments are needed and in no more than a two-color deck before looking to pick this up.
Rugged Highlands
Rugged Highlands - 2.5 - Common dual lands are always nice to pick up when trying to splash a third color. I even pick these up over borderline playable cards in my colors to open up more possibilities later in the draft.
Scoured Barrens
Scoured Barrens - 2.5 - Common dual lands are always nice to pick up when trying to splash a third color. I even pick these up over borderline playable cards in my colors to open up more possibilities later in the draft.
Secluded Courtyard
Secluded Courtyard - 1 - This might see some play in the Samurai or Ninja decks. There are a few Mardu color rares and random creatures in other colors. So, picking up two of these late means you can play any Samurai or Ninja you want. It won't help with things like removal spells and I am far more likely to want to splash those.
Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance
Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance - 3 - Most Red decks hate running out of creatures. And with cards like Ambitious Assault in the format these will be even better than it typically would be.
Swiftwater Cliffs
Swiftwater Cliffs - 2.5 - Common dual lands are always nice to pick up when trying to splash a third color. I even pick these up over borderline playable cards in my colors to open up more possibilities later in the draft.
Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
Takenuma, Abandoned Mire - 3 - Getting to get bring back the best creature in your graveyard late in the game is a much better draw than a Swamp. Free card advantage is always a good thing.
Thornwood Falls
Thornwood Falls - 2.5 - Common dual lands are always nice to pick up when trying to splash a third color. I even pick these up over borderline playable cards in my colors to open up more possibilities later in the draft.
Tranquil Cove
Tranquil Cove - 2.5 - Common dual lands are always nice to pick up when trying to splash a third color. I even pick these up over borderline playable cards in my colors to open up more possibilities later in the draft.
Uncharted Haven
Uncharted Haven - 3 - This is the best land fixer in the format. It does come into play tapped, but that is a small price to pay for so much color freedom. Picking these up early will open a lot of options later in the draft.
Wind-Scarred Crag
Wind-Scarred Crag - 2.5 - Common dual lands are always nice to pick up when trying to splash a third color. I even pick these up over borderline playable cards in my colors to open up more possibilities later in the draft.

Thanks for reading and I will see you tomorrow!

Twitter: @MTGNerdGirl

Twitch: Twitch.tv/mtgnerdgirl

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