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One of the great things about Magic is that there’s so much room for people to disagree about what makes a game fun. I think one of the few things that is almost universally agreed upon is that having multiple Planeswalkers in play is an absolute blast. In almost every format, there comes a point where players start picking the color combination with access to the best Planeswalkers and just try to cast as many as possible. It turns out that, in this format, the best colors are all of them:

The combination of Oath of Nissa and Aether Hub allowing you to reasonably play all five colors of Planeswalkers is something I couldn’t be more excited about. With Pilgrim's Eye and Servant of the Conduit providing additional fixing and acceleration, the colors are going to be reasonably smooth as long as you don’t draw too many Black and Red Planeswalkers early on. Even if you do, all it takes is one copy of Oath of Nissa and you’re good to go.

The strength of this deck is that there are both a lot of Planeswalkers and a lot of supporting spells in the current Standard format. Combine that with a distinct lack of enchantment hate for cards like Oath of Gideon, and there’s a real opportunity to do some crazy Planeswalkers things. The key is making sure you can build a curve of Planeswalkers and support cards that can both overwhelm your opponent and punish them for playing in such a way to try to beat your Planeswalkers.

Starting out with either Nissa, Voice of Zendikar or Oath of Gideon is spectacular, because it gives you a way to get on board to protect your Planeswalkers. You either force your opponent to take time off to cast removal spells on tokens or you get to choose blocks that protect Planeswalkers on key turns. Following that up with any number of your other Planeswalkers that make it difficult to attack, such as Tamiyo, Field Researcher, Nahiri, the Harbinger, or Gideon, Ally of Zendikar forces your opponent to overextend even further to apply any real pressure to your team. That opens the door for cards like Sorin, Grim Nemesis, Chandra, Torch of Defiance, or Fumigate to almost end the game on the spot.

But even if your opponent does have all the answers, this deck doesn’t mind playing a longer game. You have haymakers like Emrakul, the Promised End and Descend Upon the Sinful which become substantially better as the game goes on. But there’s also the single copy of Emeria Shepherd, which excites me beyond words. This is a card which can generate an obscene amount of value for you if you can set it up properly. You can either cheat it into play with Nahiri, the Harbinger’s ultimate or just cast it when the game goes long enough. Each Plains you play from that point on will put a Planeswalker from your graveyard into play. Each Evolving Wilds will return one Planeswalker to your hand and another to the Battlefield. If free, recurring Planeswalkers doesn’t get you excited to play some Standard, I don’t know what will.

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