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5 Decks You Can't Miss This Week


The Theros previews have started rolling in, but we've still got a few weeks before we get to play with them in earnest. In the meantime, we've got five awesome decks ranging from Standard to Legacy featuring Opposition, Conjurer's Closet, Reaper King, and more! Let's go ahead and get started.

Farseek decks have been a dominating force in Standard since the beginning of this format. Largely, this has been in the form of Bant and Jund variants, but Gusthedestroyer has a new Simic deck that looks to go over the top of both of these. Let's take a look:

There are a number of awesome things that this deck has going on. The most important thing is that you have two mechanisms of going way over the top of other midrangey decks: Primeval Bounty and Progenitor Mimic. You have a combination of mana elves and Farseek to ramp you into your threats, and a light counterspell suite including Plasma Capture to protect yourself in the mid game.

Progenitor Mimic does a number of awesome and hilarious things. Thragtusk is easy enough, but how about Kalonian Hydra? Alternatively, you can go even bigger with Master Biomancer, and start growing the power of each new Biomancer almost geometrically. The first new Biomancer comes in with +2/+2. The next gets +6/+6, and the next +14/+14. That gets out of hand pretty quickly.

It's possible that effects like Opportunity would prefer to be Prime Speaker Zegana, for even more interesting interactions with Progenitor Mimic, but this deck seems like it's well-positioned in a metagame with very little hard removal.

Michael Jacob crushed the Ironroot Chef Challenge at the community cup with a Strionic Resonator deck that abused cards like Oblivion Ring and Kalonian Hydra. Since getting back from that tournament, he continued experimenting with the card on his stream. He eventually discarded the resonator for Conjurer's Clost and took that new deck to a 3-1 finish in a Magic Online Daily Event:

Naya creature decks have been doing well in Standard since Willy Edel started championing them at Grand Prix Toronto. These decks generally play combinations of the best creatures in the format, the actual number depending on what decks you expect to face. Michael Jacob has cut most of the cheap, low-impact creatures for additional Keyrunes for ramp and curve-topping bombs.

Conjurer's Closet is easily the most awesome card in this deck; it does almost everything that Strionic Resonator did, but does not eat up your critical four-drop slot or require additional mana investment. It combos with your Thragtusks, Huntmaster of the Fellses, and even the one-of Tyrant of Discord that all-but locks your opponent out of the game.

If you're looking for another way to go over the top of the midrangey decks that have taken over the format, this may be exactly what you're looking for.

Eggs died when Second Sunrise was baned, right? Maybe not. Players like Conley Woods have been continuing to brew with that shell, now using Open the Vaults instead of Faith's Reward and leaning more heavily on Krark-Clan Ironworks instead of Lotus Bloom and Ghost Quarter. Let's take a look at the build that Epoweleit has took to 3-1 in a Modern Daily Event:

This deck functions much the same as Eggs. You cast a few one-mana artifacts that will cantrip while fixing your mana, use Lotus Bloom or Krak-Clan Ironworks to generate more mana than you know what to do with, and then alternate between casting Open the Vaults and additional artifacts until you can Grindstone or Blue Sun's Zenith your opponent out of the game.

The most interested card that Epoweleit has added to the deck is Codex Shredder.

This card is a Regrowth that keeps coming back, and makes it very easy for you to infinitely loop Faith's Reward or Open the Vaults, and also stocks your graveyard for future Open the Vaults and helps you dig for your one-of Blue Sun's Zenith. Just be careful not to play into Deathrite Shaman.

This is a deck that is well-poised to take advantage of the new Legend rule. Mox Opal is suddenly a Lotus Petal with upside. You can sacrifice each copy to Krark-Clan Ironworks as you go through your combo turn to generate a total of three mana. This trick only works once, as there's no timing to repeat this trick when you cast Open the Vaults.

Is this deck fast enough to compete in the new Modern environment? Only time will tell.

Drew Levin recently produced a five-color midrange deck featuring Young Pyromancer and Opposition as a way to dominate other midrangey creature decks like Shardless Agent BUG. Asthesmos took a variant of this deck to a 3-1 finish in this Legacy Daily Event. Let's take a look:

This deck does a number of incredibly awesome things. The combination of Young Pyromancer and Lingering Souls gives you a huge edge in against decks like Shardless BUG, who can only really threaten you with a Tarmogoyf that is easily chumped turn after turn. You string together token spells and cantrips until you find an Opposition to lock your opponent out of the game. Who needs Jace, the Mind Sculptor?

Quiet Speculation is one of the most interesting cards in this deck, because it has roles to play in every matchup. Lingering Souls, Cabal Therapy, and Battle Screech are all perfectly reasonable targets, and this gives you access to additional copies of things like Ancient Grudge and Ray of Revelation out of the sideboard if you choose.

This deck seems incredibly awesome. You get to play the most efficient engines and answers in the format, backed by twelve cantrips to help you find the pieces you're missing. All of that is backed by an almost unbeatable end game in the form of Opposition. Is this deck the answer to Show and Tell combo decks? I can't wait to find out.

Sometimes it's not about power and synergy. Some of the most awesome Commander decks I've ever seen have all revolved around flavor, and this Halloween deck by Darklich528 is certainly pretty high on the list. Just how far can he push his Halloween theme? Let's take a look at his most recent list to find out:

King of the Pumpkin Patch - Commander | Darklich528

Scarecrows and spirits, cats and cauldrons; this deck has everything! Darklich528 picked his theme and stuck with it, and it looks absolutely awesome. You have some incredibly flavorful combos like Bogbrew Witch and company, as well as the typical cast of Vampires, Werewolves, and Zombies. These are all backed by spells like Full Moon's Rise and March of Souls.

You certainly sacrifice some amount of power when you decide to build around flavorful interactions, but that doesn't mean that your deck doesn't do awesome things. You still have Reaper King at the helm joined by a handful of his Scarecrow friends. You can easily keep these guys entering and leaving the Battlefield in a steady stream, Vindicate-ing key permanents over the course of the game.

All told, this is an absolutely incredible demonstration of flavor and is absolutely the kind of deck that makes this format worth playing. I only wish that I got to see and play against more decks like this, where theme and flavor beat out raw power and efficiency.

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