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A Game of Pentagram Magic


Last week we went over the rules for Pentagram Magic, and the 5 deck lists from Tampa's Anthem Games. This week I want to give you a play by play on a recent Pentagram game from the store.

Once we had 5 willing players, we drew from a stack of 5 basic lands to decide who played which color. The line up was:

Ken Pilcher: White

Marlana Moore: Blue

Dale Lovelace: Black

Simon Rostas: Red

Robert Heisler: Green

Ken mentioned that Marlana probably didn't know how to play the Blue deck, and they should switch. The rest of us decided that Ken just wanted to play Blue and we should keep everything as is. Multiplayer… Sheesh.

We all sit down, shuffle up and draw 7. It's Multiplayer, so you get one free mulligan, which Marlana, Rob, and Simon all take advantage of. Ken and I keep our 7. The first few turns are nothing but lands. I'm tracking the play by play on my laptop.

Rob casts the first creature of the game with a Whirling Dervish. That doesn't look good for me!

After another round of lands for everyone, I cast Demonic Tutor and Ken tells Marlana she should cast Twincast on my Demonic Tutor, which she does. They are allies and Ken has decided to help Marlana with the tricksy tricksy Blue deck. I get Nevinyrral's Disk with my Demonic Tutor, I need an answer to Whirling Dervish!

Rob attacks me with the Whirling Dervish and uses a Pendalhaven to make it a 2/3, I go to 18. Rob casts Elvish Archers.

Marlana casts a Jace Beleren, and everyone cheers as we all draw a card.

Simon plays a land and discards a land. He must not have anything to play?

Ken plays a land and follows it with a Mistmeadow Skulk.

I play a land and cast Nevinyrral's Disk. Although it is currently tapped, I should have an answer to that darn Whirling Dervish now!

Rob feels the Disk coming and attacks me with Whirling Dervish and Elvish Archers taking me to 14.

Cheers erupt again as Marlana has Jace Beleren let everyone draw!

Simon eyes the Disk, laughs a bit and plays Squee, Goblin Nabob.

Ken swings his Mistmeadow Skulk at Simon, taking him to 19.

I just go ahead and pop the Disk, and discard Dakmor Salvage, that Jace draw isn't all it's cracked up to be!

With the Disk gone, everyone starts casting. Rob casts Wild Mongrel.

Marlana plays a Morphed creature.

Simon plays Lightning Dragon, I think he forgot that Squee was in the Yard.

Ken casts Preacher. Uh Oh…

Now we have my bonehead play of the day. I'm keeping notes on everything, so you would think I would know everything on the board, but I overlooked Rob's Yavimaya Hollow. I cast Corrupt targeting Rob's Wild Mongrel, but he simply regenerates it with the Yavimaya Hollow that I completely forgot about! I still gain the life so I am back to 20.

I don't stay at 20 long though, and Rob swings in with Wild Mongrel at me taking me to 18. At the end of my turn, Simon realizes that with Lightning Dragon out Ken can take it away every turn with Preacher then give it back to him making him either pay the echo every turn or lose Lightning Dragon, so he casts Lightning Bolt targeting Preacher. Showing some ally helpfulness, Rob decides to regenerate Preacher with Yavimaya Hollow.

Marlana isn't feeling quite so giving anymore as she draws herself with Jace Beleren, and casts Morphling.

Simon doesn't pay the echo on Lightning Dragon, brings Squee back to his hand, casts Chandra Nalaar and shoots Preacher. He didn't have enough mana to play Lightning Dragon's echo and cast Chandra Nalaar.

Ken casts Faith's Fetters targeting Chandra Nalaar taking Ken to 25 life.

I cast Lilliana Vess, use her discard ability targeting Rob and I cast Black Knight.

Rob attacks me with Wild Mongrel. I have a first striker to block with, so I wonder if Rob has tricks or is he just planning to discard to pump Wild Mongrel. I take a chance that he doesn't have anything he wants discard to pump Wild Mongrel, and just forgot Black Knight was first strike as some karmic payback for me forgetting he had Yavimaya Hollow, so I block with Black Knight. It turns out Rob has no tricks, and doesn't discard, but he does regenerate with Yavimaya Hollow. Rob plays Imperious Perfect.

Marlana thinks she has enough counters on Jace Beleren, so she takes the draw herself. Marlana attacks Rob with Morphling and adds 1 pump taking Rob to 16.

Simon casts Ball Lightning swinging it at Marlana taking her to 14 then casts Squee.

Ken does nothing. (I promised I would put this in every time someone did nothing)

I decide things could get out of hand now that creatures are hitting the board, so I use Liliana Vess to tutor for Decree of Pain. I cast Nekrataal and with his come into play ability target Imperious Perfect.

Rob casts Tarmogoyf. Rob attacks Lilliana Vess with Wild Mongrel, feeling a Decree of Pain coming I go ahead and block with Nekretaal, so Rob discards a forest to pump Wild Mongrel.

Marlana casts Capsize with buyback targeting 'Goyf, then attacks Rob with Morphling taking Rob to 13. Marlana has Capsize and Morphling now, she's looking pretty good.

Simon casts Shivan Dragon and Marlana counters it with Power Sink.

Ken once again does nothing. What is going on? He's obviously not drawing only lands, or at least he makes us think he isn't drawing all land since he's not playing them…

I cast Decree of Pain and Marlana casts Capsize with Buyback targeting Morphling. I forget to use Liliana.

Rob casts Tarmogoyf. Why didn't I hold onto Decree of Pain knowing Rob had Tarmogoyf?

Marlana now has the nuts, she draws Stasis. With Capsize already online she can sow this thing up. I ask her to hold onto Stasis and I'll get rid of Tarmogoyf first, she obliges.

Simon casts Wheel of Fortune and Marlana counters it with Counterspell, She doesn't want to discard Capsize and Stasis!

K: Once again does nothing!

I cast Word of Command targeting Rob, so he Regenerates Tarmogoyf in response. I force Rob to play Fog. I Dance of the Dead targeting Nekretaal and use his come into play trigger targeting Tarmogoyf. The earlier regeneration field takes effect, so I cast Dark Banishing targeting Tarmogoyf. Finally got rid of that beast!

Rob casts Weathered Treefolk, at the end of his turn Marlana casts Capsize with Buyback targeting Weathered Treefolk.

Marlana throws down the lock and casts Stasis. Boo Hiss.

Simon is tapped out, so he does nothing.

Ken has plenty of untapped lands since he has done nothing for several turns. He casts Beacon of Tomorrows taking his life total to 50.

Since I have Nekrataal in play with Dance of the Dead, I am able to pay 2 and untap it.. So I do!

Rob does nothing. At the end of his turn Marlana casts Capsize with Buyback targeting Stasis.

Marlana casts Brainstorm and thinks very hard about casting Stasis. I tell her that if she doesn't play Stasis I believe I can take Rob out of the game, then she only has to eliminate Simon to win. Ken tells her she should play Stasis and he will help her take me Rob and Simon out and they can have a shared victory. She doesn't play Stasis. Yay, we get to play Magic for one more turn!

Simon casts Squee, Goblin Nabob

Ken, upset that there is no Stasis, talks a lot then casts Cage of Hands targeting Nekrataal.

True to my word of attempting to take out Rob, I cast Nether Traitor and attack Rob with my hasty Shadow creature, then Ninjitsu in Ink-eyes, Servant of Oni, Taking Tarmogoyf from Rob's yard then cast Recurring Nightmare

Rob casts Weathered Treefolk, which Marlana promptly Capsizes with Buyback.

Marlana Draws with Jace Beleren, casts Stasis and Merfolk Looter.

Simon casts Mogg Fanatic.

Ken plays a land. At least he's doing something!

I attack Rob with Tarmogoyf which would take him out of the game, so Ken saves him by casting Exile targeting Tarmogoyf. Bye bye Goyf.

Rob does nothing and Marlana casts Capsize with Buyback targeting Stasis at the end of his turn.

Marlana plays a land and now has enough land to cast Morphling and Stasis and still have enough to Capsize Buyback Stasis.

Simon attacks Ken with Squee.

Ken casts Ajani Goldmane gaining more life.

I do nothing.

Rob plays a land, Marlana does the old familiar Capsize with Buyback targeting Stasis at the end of his turn.

Marlana casts Clone targeting Morphling. What? Now she has two! She casts Stasis, and attacks Rob with Morphling.

Simon, Ken, I and Rob all do nothing with, you guessed it, Marlana casting Capsize with Buyback targeting Stasis at the end of Rob's turn.

Marlana attacks Simon with both of her Morphlings, and Rob just wants this game to be over since the winner is becoming painfully obvious, so he casts Berzerk targeting Morphling which makes it a 10/1 and leaves Simon at 1 life. Marlana casts Stasis yet again.

After another round of nothing followed by a Capsize Buyback on Stasis, Marlana swings at Simon with Merfolk Looter and at Rob with Morphling pumped enough to eliminate both of them and win the game!

So that is a pretty epic game of Pentagram. I would love to hear about anyone out there playing this great format, leave me a comment in the fields below. Until next week this is Dale Lovelace telling you there is more than one way to play.

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