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CoolStuffInc.com Articles
  • Jarvis Yu

    Alternate (Competitive) Formats

    Playing competitively doesn't mean it's always a "Standard" format. Jarvis shares how playing some more obtuse varieties of Magic is something every player can learn from, and compete with!
  • Jesse Mason

    Prerelease Report

    The observations and musings of Jesse Mason are uniquely his own. They're also oftentimes entertaining. See what he thought of the Avacyn Restored Prerelease!
  • Jesse Mason

    Internal Memos to Wizards Employees

    Thanks to some moonlighting as an investigative reporter, Jesse has acquired a few internal memos from behind the gates in Renton!
  • Jesse Mason

    Your Format Still Sucks

    Every format has its issues, but Jesse doesn't stop there: from players to archetypes and even culture, everything is subject to satire!
  • Jesse Mason

    Anti-Flavor Dissertation

    Serious topics require serious attention, and we all know Jesse is always absolutely serious.
  • Jesse Mason

    The Second Set

    Previously cut content, musical interludes, satire, and article critiques. Jesse is a renaissance man of Magic, unafraid (and actually quite willing) to say anything on his mind!
  • Jesse Mason

    A Guide to Kitchen Table Magic for Competitive Players

    Every good satire contains bits of truth. What grains do you find scattered in Jesse's tongue-in-cheek breakdown of casual Magic?
  • Jon Corpora

    Reality Hits

    While Jon's grinding the FNM circuit for the foreseeable 30-and-change article future, he will never lose the sense of humor and self-depreciation that rings so clearly here! (This article originally ran August 12, 2011.)
  • Jesse Mason

    Welcome to Magic

    With poetic elegance, tongue-in-cheek frankness, and a healthy dose of wit, Jesse's articles never cease to surprise! (This article originally ran October 18, 2011.)
  • Jesse Mason

    What Are We Doing Here?

    What are you doing here? Jesse's back with some tough questions, and tougher answers.
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