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Angels of Love


Akroma, Angel of Wrath
A couple of weeks ago, Wizards of the Coast announced that the next From the Vaults set would be Angels themed. And that led me to begin to think about what Angels would make the cut and which ones I’m tired of. What good Angels are out there to bring back?

These sets typically have fifteen cards, and they often have a mix of card to sooth a lot of folks, including high financial value, high playability, and cards on the way-back machine to give them another day in the sun. I thought I would give you my predictions for the fifteen Angels we’ll see and why, along with some other Angel thoughts!


To begin, let’s let Akroma, Angel of Wrath take a rest. She’s been printed and reprinted many times. Sorry, Akroma the Elder, but you need to stay very far away from this set. So, what do I like for it?

I am going to give you this list in order of my confidence level, so the first card is the one I think is most likely to be in—through Number 15, which is on the back side of life.

1 — Akroma, Angel of Fury She can be the token red card in the set (for example, From the Vault: Dragons included cards from nonred colors, such as Ebon Dragon, so it wouldn’t be a red-only set). We don’t have a promo of Redkroma, and she has morph, so casual folks who are playing morph cards from the Tarkir sets can add her in. She’s as close to a shoe-in as I can imagine.

2 — Baneslayer Angel It’s been a while since we’ve seen a printing of this former Standard powerhouse, and the FTV printing seems to be the perfect time to add some more to our collective collection. Like Redkroma, we’ve never seen a promo Baneslayer Angel, and considering how awesome she is, I’m guessing that would be a huge hit.

Akroma, Angel of Fury
Baneslayer Angel
Avacyn, Angel of Hope

3 — Avacyn, Angel of Hope If you are benching Whitekroma, this is the obvious addition. Avacyn was printed recently, but she is extremely well-loved and expensive. Considering her esteem among casual players, Avacyn’s inclusion in the FTV set gives you an expensive, casual-friendly card to help headline it.

4 — Linvala, Keeper of Silence I think Linvala is the perfect adjunct to Avacyn. Both are expensive cards, and one appeals to the tournament aspect of stuff while the other showcases the casual side of the coin. Linvala is a powerful card as well, and a promo should prove really interesting for a lot of folks—including me! (If they choose not to use Linvala, I would put Iona, Shield of Emeria in this slot instead. I don’t see the set including both Iona and Linvala, as both are sort of not-fun to Magic, but Iona is a lot worse, so I see Linvala here.)

5 — Iridescent Angel We are long since past due for a reprinting of this powerhouse. It’s a very strong creature for Azorius decks, with the protection from every color built right on it. Because it flies, you can rely on it to block a lot of bodies, and it can swing through any noncolorless defense as well as be safe from problems of targeted junk coming its way. It’s a great card to have another day in the sun.

Linvala, Keeper of Silence
Iridescent Angel
Sigarda, Host of Herons

6 — Sigarda, Host of Herons I feel strongly that those five folks will make it. Now we starting to move off into new territory. I’d lay odds on Iridescent Angel or Redkroma as extremely likely. But Sigarda? Now we are starting to drop. I strongly suspect that one of Avacyn’s fellow Angels in Avacyn Restored will be making the cut as well. I think it’ll be Sigarda, but it could just as easily be Bruna, Light of Alabaster or Gisela, Blade of Goldnight. I like Sigarda, and the foil of her is just massively priced, so you can use her, too. I also like Sigarda because Gisela is very pricey, and I doubt they’d do the most expensive one in the set after rocking Avacyn. Sigarda is a strong choice because of how well she can bring the pain from the Selesnya side of life.

7 — Tariel, Reckoner of Souls Not having seen print since the first Commander release, we could use a foil version for folks. We’ve seen Commander cards later receive foil treatments, so this is not that unusual. Tariel fits the theme, checks off a variety of boxes (such as giving you Angels in other colors besides white), and hasn’t been seen for a while either. Welcome Tariel!

8 — Platinum Angel They like to trot this thing out every now and then for another run in the sun. It’s been a few years, so the Platinum Angel, with a cool foil variant, is a strong choice for this FTV reprint. The reason it works is that it’s such as casual-friendly hit. Another Angel for y’all!

Tariel, Reckoner of Souls
Platinum Angel
Exalted Angel

9 — Exalted Angel I think this has a great chance to be one of the filler Angels. A promo was done for it a long time ago, but with morph currently in Standard, it’s not a bad time to shake off the dust, give it a spot in FTV, and give it to some newer players who might not have any (or be familiar with it).

10 — Angelic Destiny Mark my words: There will be at least one card in this FTV that is not an Angel creature. It will be something like Akroma's Memorial or Entreat the Angels or some such. Because I think they’ll be doing other cards from the set, I’m steering clear of Entreat the Angels, and the Memorial was recently republished in a core set. I don’t see something like Angelic Chorus making the cut. I think Angelic Destiny will be the token noncreature card, and it’s a strong Aura that was printed a while ago and has a clear Angel flavor, and I think it’s fallen off the radars of a lot of folks.

11 — Desolation Angel I think we’ll see one mono-black Angel. Crypt Angel is a fun reprint, but it is a bit odd. Fallen Angel is a great choice, but it’s regularly seen elsewhere. Nope, I think the Desolation Angel is being reprinted. It’s odd and unusual, and we’ve never seen it in new frames, so my guess is that Desolation Angel is making an appearance.

Angelic Destiny
Desolation Angel
Empyrial Archangel

12 — Empyrial Archangel I suspect we’ll see one more big, fun, casual Angel for the masses, and Empyrial Archangel is an obvious choice for that role. It’s a useful card since it keeps you from dying, but the old template of shroud keeps it from seeing reprint in other places; this is a great place to have a promo version of this Shards of Alara mythic.

13 — Angel of Fury Starting here, I suspect we’ll see some filler Angels. You could go with a lot of choices. I think the Portal Second Age card Angel of Fury has a good chance of being printed here, just to bring it out. It’s not that good, but it’s a lovely piece of art that should prove really attractive in a modern box and all foiled up. If they don’t print this, I’d expect to see Warrior Angel here, but that’s not high on my radar.

14 — Gabriel Angelfire Yes, our good Gabriel was in Chronicles. There’s not a lot of value on the secondary market, but imagine this old-school Angel rocking some new, sexy art. I think that’s a really good choice for the project, and it’s a fun way to bring back another old-school character (much in the same way they recently did with Rubinia Soulsinger).

Angel of Fury
Gabriel Angelfire
Voice of All

15 — Voice of All I’m not sure what to do with the fifteenth. I can see Maelstrom Archangel. I can also see a very special version of Serra Angel (with the original art . . . ). I could see a fun, but old card like Angel of Retribution or a foil version of that Commander card Archangel of Strife. But what do I think will make the cut? If they hadn’t been in Duel Decks, I might guess Firemane Angel or Luminous Angel. But we always seem to have some random common or uncommon card in the theme that’s not super valuable (such as Dragon Whelp, Firespout, Kird Ape, Black Vise, and the Cephalid Coliseum of previous sets). Voice of All fits that pattern—it’s good, and you can have pretty artwork in a promo version, but it’s not exactly a world-breaker.


Angel of Despair
There certainly are a lot of other intriguing options. But I think the above list of fifteen has a pretty good shot at being the actual FTV list. For example, I don’t think we’ll see Angel of Despair, but it’s popular with casual players, so I could be wrong. A promo Angel of Despair would be a salacious thing. It was reprinted in Commander, though, and Ashen Rider is a better variant recently printed, so I’m not convinced that another run is going to happen.

If the old rule about being able to reprint Reserved List promos had not been closed, I suspect we would have seen Radiant, Archangel in this FTV—perhaps even Selenia, Dark Angel.

Anyways, where do you think my logic is wrong? Do you think Iona is going to see a reprint despite the fact that she shuts people down from playing Magic? Do you think we’re getting Restoration Angel? Archangel's Light? Indomitable Archangel?

What Angel do you want to see?

See you next week,

Abe Sargent

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