Hello happy folks I hope your day is going super mega well! Today I wanted to look at my top cantrip critters in Commander. This is a dork with an ETB ability that arrives and draws you one card, not two or more. This is an example and extension of my theory article here, where I emphasized actual proper card draw over cantrips save for a few cases. One of those was cantrip creatures like Merchant of Scrolls. Let's look at them!
Honorable Mention
Syr Elenora, the Discerning
This five-mana, 4-toughness, ward 2 lady is first. She's got power equal to your card count in hand and ETB draws stuff. She's also legendary and can lead your next brew, grab her.
Omnath, Locus of Creation
This four-mana 4/4 four color legendary dork is next, with that cantrip on arrival and then you've got that nasty landfall to gain four life, or make four mana or shoot each foe and their planeswalkers for 4 damage. So nasty! Don't run this hard to cast Elemental since it's hard to deal with.
Two-Mana 1/1 Dorks
Next are the three above Bant colored two mana creatures that ETB and draw and then add nothing more to that on the table of other-wise. The first was Elvish Visionary. They are cheap hence them hitting my list, but not that high.
Skyscanner with a shout out to Tome Raider
Add a mana to the previous one and give it flying and the colorless artifact is Skyscanner. With colorless you can add it to any Commander deck and with flying you can block any aerial attacker or give it equipment to swing. Shout out to Blue one that has the same stats and cost.
Spirited Companion
The next is the classic enchantment two-drop Dog 1/1. It's amazing in enchantment builds or the same space as the previous three.
Rogue Refiner
The three-drop Simic colored that broke Standard and was banned there! It comes with an on-curve 3/2 body and then a card and two energy. It's an energy essential, but you don't need it to run it here, just use it with blinks or normal stuff ad infintum. Break it again.
Fblthp, the Lost
Costs two, ETBs draw that card, and is Commanderable as a legendary dork 1/1 size. You shuffle him to your library if targeted by a spell. Then if you cast or drop them from your library? Draw two then.
#5. Inspiring Overseer AND Cloudkin Seer
These three-drop 2/1 common flyers are our first on the top of our list. The White Angel Cleric also gains you a life, and the Blue one is Wizard for that creature type. Love them much here! Because they have one more power for the same cost they hit higher than Skyscanner but that's playable outside of these colors.
#4. Llanowar Visionary
This three-drop 2/2 Green Elf is next! It has a bigger toughness than the previous one but swaps flying for tapping for a Green mana. The main issue with mana dorks is that someone to survive will sweep the board with Wrath effects for that Aggro deck and Consecrated Sphinx so they are card disadvantage, but not here where it replaces itself.
#3. Ice-Fang Coatl
This two-cost Simic flashing and flying 1/1 Snake is snow too, and then if you control at least three snows it's got deathtouch, with two lands and itself that's enough. Even without deathtouch you can flash out an aerial chump blocker to keep you alive and with it? So nasty!
#2. Wall of Blossoms AND Wall of Omens
Our penultimate at the two spot are, funnily enough two cards!! These two-cost 0/4 defenders that draw a card are amazing, since they can block for a while and suck up damage. In multiplayer and Commander, someone with a two-drop Bear 2/2 won't attack you with this dropped it'll attack someone with no defenses so it also protects you more than you think, and hurts others too like pseudo-goad! You'll love it much too, I suspect!
#1. Baleful Strix
This two-drop flying with deathtouch naturally that replaces itself just has to be here. It's an artifact too, so it has additional artifact synergies. Also please note that this really stops attackers in the air who don't want to trade down with that for size or cost or both with that good stuff keeping you very safe from nontokens.
And there we go! I hope that you enjoyed my Top Cantrip Critters, for Commander, shout out to Masked Admirers, Priest of Ancient Lore and Bookwurm. What's your favorite? What awesome stories do you have from them?