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Treasure Hunt, July 8


Mike Robles here with the latest batch of Magic: The Gathering goodies. Be careful; they’re hot. Before you ruin your dinner on these delicious treats, I want to take the time to say how impressed I am with the community. Every week, I am blown away by the sheer amount of content that is produced, created, and shared. I wouldn’t have a writing job if it weren’t for you all! Let’s get down to business.

Stained Black Lotus

As iconic as most of the artwork in Magic: The Gathering is, none might be more iconic that that of the Black Lotus. One of the most expensive cards in Magic’s history, the artwork alone has inspired many. I actually have a Black Lotus tattoo! Alexander Miles documents his entire process at creating this stained-glass creation. It looked like quite the lengthy process, but as you can see from the finished result, it was a process well worth it’s time. Read the blog post, and see the step-by-step process (complete with pictures).

Simic Love

Source: Imgur

The couple that plays Magic together stays together. Actually, when I got my Black Lotus tattoo, my fiancée got a Simic tattoo. This drawing showcases a couple who shares the same love for the Simic guild that Tifa has. I like how the two use water and greenery to come together and form the Simic symbol. It’s a nice, loving tribute for all to see.


Loading Ready Run is back again with their latest episode of Friday Nights. While most of us are dedicated to two colors (Izzet FTW!), I can understand the peril of opening some bombs in colors you don’t usually run. Loading Ready Run does a great job (as always) of capturing what it’s like when you have a group of friends dedicated to the game. Also, I loved the shout out to the Lady Planeswalkers Society Victoria group.

A Lunch Well Spent

Source: Instagram

When I visit GenCon, there are two things I love: the people I get to meet and Steak ‘n’ Shake. Now, being here in the Pacific Northwest, I don’t have a Steak ‘n’ Shake. Seriously, the closest one is in Colorado. Do you know how lucky and sad that makes me? You can pick up a whole meal for, like, five bucks! Sorry, I’m ranting. Instagram user Chadarthegirlonfire uploaded this pic, and while at first it seems like just a filtered photo of food, take a closer look. That’s it—in the lower left. You see it? Yup, they’re sleeved Magic: The Gathering cards. Look again—top right; see it? On the menu? It’s another Magic card. This was more than just a delicious, value-priced meal from the fine folks at Steak ‘n’ Shake; this was a lunchtime match of what I am assuming were epic proportions.

Get Well Soon

Source: Unknown

My cat loves playing Magic: The Gathering. When we’re drafting with friends, she’ll jump into laps and help players make picks. The photo above isn’t of my cat, but rather of someone else’s kitty who seems to be on the road to recovery from a recent surgical procedure. As you can see, this kitty has the heart of a champion and is getting right back into the game. Nothing is going to stop this kitty from doing what he loves. He’s gonna make it!

Draft Party

Source: Imgur

Turning thirty can be a big deal in a man’s life. You’re not in your twenties anymore, and you have to adhere to “adult” standards. No, wait . . . what I am talking about? You can do what you want! As long as you’re responsible! I turned thirty-three and went to karaoke for my birthday! Take that, society. A thirtieth birthday Draft party is being set up here. There’re enough packs for an eight-person Return to Ravnica–block Draft and a cake made out of beer, and the empty boxes have been repurposed as snack trays. What Magic player wouldn’t want a birthday party—or any party—like that? If you’re going to celebrate, do it in style, doing what you love: playing Magic with friends.


Source: Imgur

We all know that person who has tons and tons of commons and uncommons. We might even be that person who has tons and tons of commons and uncommons. You might be with the person who has commons and uncommons. In fact, chances are we all have a ton of commons and uncommons. So, what do we do with them? Donate them? Psh! Why bother? Give them to a friend who’s just learning Magic? Are you kidding? We put our creativity to work and create pieces of Americana: planes, trains, and automobiles. So get out there, create your pieces of art, and tweet me when you’ve completed them.

This Week’s Tweets

That wraps up another week of treasure hunting! Keep an eye on the Internet for amazing community creations. Cause if you don’t, well . . . I’m out of a job. You don’t want your pal Mike out of a job, do you? I didn’t think so. So, until then, this is Mike Robles reminding you that:

Source: Imgur

Seriously . . . who named that card?

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