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Scars of Mirrodin Spoiler Wrap-Up (09/20/10)


Spoiler season can go by so fast sometimes!  Wizards has recently been very good about keeping these spoilers coming day in and day out so often, many of us miss the opportunity to digest the potential impacts of some of these cards.  I know that I've misread a card or two only to go back and reread it later to find out that I had completely misinterpreted it.  I want to take a short time out from the spoiler season madness to reflect on a few choice cards that have been recently spoiled.  Most of you following our Scars of Mirrodin spoiler page are probably already familiar with these cards but take another look and comment with your own opinions on these five, interesting additions to the latest set.

Poison counters have been considered more or less a joke in my own mtg circle.   Sure, your poison loving friend might get five or six counters on you in a given game but to take it all the way he was really going to have to do something special.  The problem was that the creatures that typically dished out poison were always overpriced, puny 1/2 snakes or 0/1 mosquito.  No longer.  Putrefax is coming at you on turn 3, 4 or 5 and not only dealing five damage but it will surely leave you with at least a couple of poison counters.  We're still half a set away (and one or two expansions within this block!) from knowing just how powerful poison is going to be but bottom line as far as I'm concerned? - If you're running poison, you're running Putrefax.

"More allied dual lands!," the fans cried..  This cycle of duals was more or less expected.  The first set in any block is bound to have a dual-land cycle or two.  With Alara rotating out, the game probably needed at least one new set this time around.  I doubt the "pro" community is going to give these lands a warm reception.   The fact that 9/10 times this card will enter the battlefield tapped doesn't sit well with most hardcore players.  The days of playing three or four colors without drawback look to be waning.  How much better is this cycle than Alara's Savage Lands, exactly?  I'd give these lands a hearty "meh" as a casual player myself but part of me is just glad that we're moving away from the crazy rainbow days of Alara.

These giant artifacts make me feel like I'm being sold a bill of goods.. "For the low, low introductory price of two EASY installments of SIX mana, you too can be the proud owner of Argentum Armor!".  Granted, this card is a limited bomb but who does wizards think they're kidding trying to get us to play this giant chest piece?  Who in their right mind would risk 12 mana on something that could be easily Doom Bladeed?!  Now, I don't usually rail on cards simply on a "dies to Doom Blade" basis but seriously folks.. I wouldn't risk two turns worth of tapping out for something that Eldrazi Conscription does much better, at a better cost and with better timing.

Anyone else remember Tarox Bladewing?  How about Hells Thunder?  This bird is a no-brainer if you're rolling red-artifacts but could also be useful in some version of Red Deck Wins.  A 4/4 haste flier for five isn't too shabby and the fact that you might be able to resurrect it in definitely doesn't hurt either!  I'd bet this guy sees as much play as Hells Thunder did from Alara, though that may depend on how successful Mono-red is because RRR is quite a bit of mountainous mana to spend!  Luckily, Koth hopefully makes this all possible.

I can't decide whether this card is totally broken or just totally awesome.  Myr is the first combo that comes to mind for this little gem but it could be used in any number of situations.  The only drawback I see is the fact that you'll be losing two cards from your early hand and getting essentially nothing immediately.  But that could end up meaning nothing when you're dumping your entire hand next turn!  And hopefully one or two of those reduced price cards lets you draw a couple to replenish that initial loss.  You're going to need some card advantage to take maximum advantage of your reduced price spells!  But what do you think?  Is this card completely broken or just completely awesome?  Sound off in our poll below.

[poll id="34"]

Be sure to keep up on all of the latest Scars of Mirrodin Spoilers on our Visual Spoiler Page!

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