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Chaos Theory


Maybe picking a favorite deck is like picking a favorite child, as some players say. Each deck has its own unique attributes, and all of them have merit in their own ways; otherwise, they’d have been scrapped by now. Maybe you’re not supposed to choose, and you’re supposed to enjoy all of your decks equally—maybe. And maybe it’s okay to have a favorite, which is great because I totally have a favorite, and it’s making me worry that I’d be a bad father. If I only have one kid, I’m totally allowed to have a favorite, so that may be the play.

Maelstrom Wanderer
I’m not going to stop at one Commander deck, though, so I have picked a favorite: Maelstrom Wanderer. It’s starting to accumulate foils, and I’m really worried about the prospect of an all-foil deck after I downgraded the commander from Commander’s Arsenal foil to Japanese Planechase because I could sell the Commander’s Arsenal copy for more than I could sell the Planechase one for, and I’m still a financier at heart. Still, the deck is the most fun for me, and I think part of that is because it perfectly embodies my skew-toward-power-if-you-can-skew-away-from-consistency ethos. Cascading is a craps shoot, and while you’re reasonably assured you will find something good, there are as many Birds of Paradise–and–Gruul Signet cascades as there are Tooth and Nail–and–Deadeye Navigator cascades. That’s part of the fun. Cream of the Crop is a card I keep thinking should come out because of how consistent it makes the deck until I remember the deck isn’t even trying to be 75%.

That’s really the issue. I came to realize that my favorite Commander deck isn’t even 75% anymore because I wanted to make one of my decks 100%, and it seemed obvious to upgrade my favorite deck. While that’s fine, it’s also a bit inconsistent. 75% Commander is my favorite way to play, and Maelstrom Wanderer is my favorite, deck but it’s not 75%. You can see my conundrum. I want to capture the wacky anything-could-happen! scenarios that Maelstrom Wanderer gives me with its wacky cascade antics—but in a 75% deck. If “skewing toward power as long as you skew a bit away from consistency” is a real 75% cornerstone, let’s prove it and build a powerful, but inconsistent 75% deck that is as much fun for me to play as Maelstrom Wanderer is but that is a deck I can play all the time. Is it doable? I think so! What color better embodies powerful-but-crazy-inconsistent better than mono-red? Which commander would you pick for a deck like that? Probably not the one I’m thinking of! Let’s get into some trouble with a chaotic, mono-red deck based on Krenko, Mob Boss.

Why Krenko? He seems anything but inconsistent! He scales with your army, so the better off you are, the better he is. He buries your opponents in a pile of gobbo tokens and does so for 0 mana beyond his mana cost. Even Rhys the Redeemed is jealous! Still, as much fun as it is to kill someone with gobbo tokens, it’s even more fun to turn a pile of Goblins into a game-breaking advantage with my favorite Commander chaos card: Warp World! If that’s not enough justification, we can play other thematic chaos cards such as Goblin Game and Gamble, a card that depicts a goblin making what may or may not turn out to be a good decision. Tutors are powerful in Commander, but cards that are only tutors sometimes are very, very 75%! What the hell, let’s jam a Goblin Bomb for the lolz. We may even end up Warp World’ing into it. This is going to be fun!

Goblin Assassin
Sweet gobliny goodness! We have mostly permanents because we don’t want to totally eat it when we cast Warp World, but we want there to be inherent risk. We’re playing goblin games here! We’re gambling! At its core, the deck is a standard Krenko Goblin swarm list, and that’s powerful. I added just enough wacky cards to keep things interesting. I almost wish I had access to blue so I could add Goblin Test Pilot, but that would also give us Intruder Alarm, and Magic would stop being fun for other people at that point. Goblin Assassin is a saucy card I forgot all about and was glad to discover when I searched for cards to put in the deck. Chaos reigns supreme here. Goblin Lore and Sensation Gorger are super-risky cards that could Wheel of Fortune us into better cards—or Wheel good cards away. That’s how it goes!

On top of being wacky and fun to play, this gets business done. If opponent’s aren’t wiping you down a ton, you should be able to amass a decent army and go over the top with spells like Breath of Fury. Don’t like the wackiness? Take it out of the 75% range, and add solid stuff like Marton Stromgald that I didn’t include because of their non-goblininess. Want more wackiness? There are a few cards you can add, such as Booby Trap to join Goblin Bomb as a fun way to deal massive amounts of damage in exchange for being a huge luck-sack. Tune the deck the way you want, but either way, the core of many utility Goblins and Krenko to make sure we always have enough tokens going should be kept intact.

Goblin Bomb
What do we think? Is there too much wackiness at the expense of cards we want? Not enough? Have you ever cast a 30-plus-point Warp World before? Did you make a Narset, Enlightened Master deck cry? If you have a sweet story about a massive Warp World or winning with Goblin Bomb or a massive Goblin Piledriver pile, leave it below. The main aim for the deck here was to make a fun, competitive deck that skewed toward chaos so that we could include powerful stuff but still be a great 75% deck. I think we accomplished that aim. Many people have Krenko decks, but this one has no Purphoros, God of the Forge and no Illusions of Grandeur (the card or the actual psychological disorder). This is just a fun deck that is a blast to play and will give me a chance to use a lot of Goblin tokens. I like the ones from Unglued, but they’re too expensive for me to grab a hundred of them. I hope someone else comes out with a sweet Goblin token soon . . . 

That’s all for me this week! Join me next week, when I have no idea what I will be discussing because you haven’t sent me your decklist! E-mail me at altjason7 at gmail dot com with your list—otherwise, we’re getting into some of the sweet-looking cards from Dragons of Tarkir and brewing with those. Thanks for reading, and join me next week!

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