Magic: The Gathering - Innistrad Remastered


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Magic: The Gathering - Innistrad Remastered
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The Best Uncommons for Commander from Foundations


Foundations brought us powerful new cards for Commander. Cards that are common and uncommon can't be overlooked. Today, I will be digging into the uncommon cards that I think have a home in Commander. Let's trudge through the bulk together and see what we might find!

Number Eight

Midnight Snack

Midnight Snack is a new enchantment in Black that is going to give us a constant supply of Food Tokens. Each turn we attack, at the end of the turn, we will be rewarded with food. Food tokens can be sacrificed to gain life at any point in the game. Since we are in Black, going with a drain strategy with this card does not seem like a terrible idea. Midnight Snack's bottom line of text says we can sacrifice this enchantment to have an opponent lose life equal to the amount we gained this turn. This drain effect is targeted so it doesn't seem super appealing for Commander, however if there is only one opponent left, we might win the game on the spot thanks to this card.

Number Seven

Revenge of the Rats

Rats will always be a popular creature type in Commander. Revenge of the Rats is a new card that creates a bunch of rat token creatures equal to the amount of creatures in our graveyard. We can even cast it again with its flashback cost! Raffine, Scheming Seer is the perfect Commander to have this card. Creating a bunch of tokens to attack with triggering our Commander to fill our graveyard up with cards to cast it again seems pretty great. Graveyard, Token, and Reanimate strategies will find this card appealing.

Number Six

Fiendish Panda

Fiendish Panda is an amazing new Orzhov creature. It gains +1/+1 counters each time we gain life and when it dies it reanimates a creature back into play. Fiendish Panda will see play in Lifegain/Drain strategies and it could see play in aristocrat strategies as well. It is the perfect mix of the lifegain from White and the death trigger from Black. Fiendish Panda is a great card to include when mixing any number of these strategies together.

Number Five

Twinblade Blessing

Twinblade Blessing gives us a brand new combat trick that also sticks around afterward. A three-mana enchantment aura that gives one of our creatures double strike at flash speed. This card is amazing in Voltron strategies or in Commanders that want to go wide. We can cast this card in combat after blockers are declared. Once you know which creatures are going to be getting through to our opponent, we can cast this card to deal a huge amount of damage out of nowhere.

Number Four


Boltwave is a Lightning Bolt for all of our opponents! For one Red mana we can deal three damage to each of our opponents. This does not seem like a big deal since in Commander you start with 40 life. Boltwave shines the most when paired with a Commander that benefits the loss of life from around the table. Neheb, the Eternal and Megatron, Tyrant turn this card into a nine-mana ritual. Storm, Force of Nature can turn this card into a win condition if you cast enough spells in a single turn. Rakdos, Lord of Riots makes all your creature spells cost 9 colorless less to cast. Boltwave has a lot of utility when it comes to Commander.

Number Three

Bulk Up

Bulk Up is the brand new Unleash Fury we received from Foundations. Unleash Fury has been a staple for Voltron decks for years now. Bulk Up has the exact same text and casting cost, but it also has flashback. Flashback for 6 mana is a lot, but it is just added utility that Unleash Fury does not have. Red is full of looting and rummage effects so having spells that can be cast out of the graveyard is always a plus.

Number Two

Joust Through

Joust Through is a brand new Lightning Bolt in White! We receive a lot of this type of effect in White, but never for this low of a cost. It also gives us a life in return which is an added bonus when running cards that care about us gaining life every turn. This seems like a staple to include in most White decks moving forward, however, we still have Swords to Plowshares and Path to Exile available. Joust Through could replace one of these if we are in a lifegain shell.

Number One

Vengeful Bloodwitch

Vengeful Bloodwitch is a brand new aristocrat key piece. This vampire drains target opponent whenever one of our creatures die. This is similar to Blood Artist and Zulaport Cutthroat. Vengeful Bloodwitch can now be a third creature that drains our opponents for two mana. Consistency is the key to victory in Commander and with lots of drain effects comes the death of our opponents.

There are a lot of new powerful uncommons in Foundations. Some of these might see play in just about every deck they can, others will be replacements for cards already in your deck. I hope this list is helpful when clearing out space for the next set at the beginning of 2025.

See you on the Battlefield!


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