Magic: The Gathering - Innistrad Remastered


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Magic: The Gathering - Innistrad Remastered
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Ali Plays Maze's End in Foundations Standard


This Maze's End deck is a flavorful, land-centric control strategy that seeks to win by assembling all ten guildgates and activating Maze's End to win the game. It's also a budget deck and I grabbed this list from Saffron Olive. The deck uses ramp spells like Circuitous Route, Titania's Command, and Spelunking to accelerate mana and fetch gates, ensuring steady progression toward the victory condition. Control elements like Get Lost, Day of Judgment, and Split Up keep opposing creatures in check, buying time to set up the gate network. Utility cards such as Mazemind Tome provide card selection and life gain. The Sideboard bolsters the deck against specific threats, featuring cards like Rest in Peace for graveyard strategies and Negate for non-creature spells. With its balance of ramp, removal, and inevitability, the deck is both strategic and satisfying to pilot.

Enjoy, here's the list!

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Until next time!

Ali Aintrazi

Follow me @AliEldrazi

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